Officials reviewing resident comments on Hancock Corridor project
The Lee County Department of Transportation conducted a public information workshop for the Hancock Bridge Parkway Extension Alignment Study on Thursday, May 21. Officials are now reviewing comments from residents.
In fall 2008, LC DOT began conducting an alignment study for the proposed extension of Hancock Bridge Pkwy. in North Fort Myers. The study area is from U.S. 41, east to U.S. Business 41 and from the Caloosahatchee River, north to Pondella Rd.
The extension of Hancock Bridge Pkwy. from U.S. 41 to U.S. Business 41 is expected to alleviate the current traffic congestion experienced during morning and afternoon peak periods by redistributing east/west traffic between the Edison Bridges and the Caloosahatchee Bridge. This extension also supports the North Fort Myers Community planning effort, said officials of Lee County Department of Transportation. “Part of the issue is if the Hancock Extention makes sense, how does it relates to the community plan vision,” said David Loveland, Manager of Transportation Planning for Lee County DOT.
Jennifer Dorning is the Public Information Consultant for Cella Molnar & Associates which is working on the study. “We had great attendance, over 100 attendees, We asked people to let us known which corridor alternative they would prefer, and that included Oak Street, Cabana Ave. or Pondella and the no-build options always remains an option,” she said.
“People had questions such as what the process will be and when this would happen.”
There is no money for the project right of way, design or construction at this time, she said. “There is only funding available to do the study.”
“I was encouraged to see how many local residents and business representatives turned out for the open house regarding the Hancock Parkway extension options. Several options where presented very similar to highways,” said Scott Brenner, chairman of the NFM Community Planning Panel’s Design Review Panel (NFMCPP) and agent/owner of local Sellstate Elite Inc.
“However the options presented where not in line with the NFMCPP vision statement, of smart growth and supporting a community town center. But I believe that the Hancock Parkway extension is vital in the future growth and development of the North Fort Myers area.”
Lee County Commissioner Tammy Hall said this project would not effect the other major area project in discussion, the community center.
“This is a transportation project, nothing to do with the potential community center which will also be examined,” she said. “That’s something we will be talking about at our Budget Workshop in June. Every department will be looking at their Capital Improvement budget for the five-year cycle and at that time will will know where that falls in. We’re trying to facilitate the community plan and identify this as a route accessibility and an improvement in North Fort Myers.
“These corridors take an awfully long time to go from study to reality because we really have the public involved.”
The budget meeting will be held Wednesday, June 17 at 9:30 a.m. at Commission Chambers. You can watch the televised meeting or attend.
Hall said many future meetings will be held on the project. To get on her e-mailing or mailing list, e-mail or call 533-2226.