Postal service information for tax night
Income tax procrastinators need to be aware that postal services for mailing those tax returns will be limited on Wednesday, April 15. Only several post offices will have extended hours that day.
The Internal Revenue Service requires that income tax forms be sent by certified mail if the preparer wants verification that the forms were received by the IRS. The certified mail receipt would also provide verification of the date of mailing.
The Cape Coral Central Post office, located at 1030 SE 9th Ave., Cape Coral, will remain open for business until 8:00 p.m. Full retail service and an April 15 postmark will be available until then.
The Fort Myers Processing & Distribution Center, located at 14080 Jetport Loop Rd., Fort Myers, will have a retail mobile unit set up in the front parking area from 5:00 p.m. until midnight. This mobile unit will be selling stamps, special services such as certified mail, and will also be postmarking your tax returns with an April 15 postmark. The blue collection boxes in front of the Processing & Distribution Center will have their last pick up at midnight for an April 15 postmark.
All other Post Offices and Contract Post Offices in the Fort Myers/Cape Coral area will close at the end of their normal business hours. Collection of mail from blue collection boxes will be at the normal posted times.
To schedule a presentation for our community, club or group on how the Postal Service brings the Post Office to your home or office computer, call 239-573-9638.
For more information about purchasing stamps, stamps by mail, postal regulations, a free subscription to USA Philatelic magazine, Post Office events, the location of the nearest postal store or contract unit, or for answers to your specific Postal Service questions, contact USPS at 1-800-275-8777, or visit