
Hodges to sponsor Family and Friends Volunteer Fair

2 min read

Students in a Service Learning class at Hodges University will sponsor a Volunteer Fair on Family Volunteer Day on Saturday, Nov. 21. It will be held at the Hodges Fort Myers campus, 4501 Colonial Boulevard, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event is co-sponsored by the United Way of Lee, Glades and Hendry counties as well as RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) of Lee County.
According to Marcia Brooks, assistant dean of students at Hodges, the fair seeks to connect people with opportunities to serve.
“This event is designed to provide a one-stop opportunity for the people of Lee County to identify volunteer opportunities in which they would like to participate,” she said in a prepared statement. “The fair will give individuals a chance to interact with participating organizations and to find volunteer opportunities that meet their specific needs. Individuals can find out which agency might be a fit for their interests, where their civic club might make an impact, and, very simply, who is doing what out there.
“The people of Lee County are generous of their time, and this is a way for them to find out more about the agencies in the area, and how volunteering their time and talents can benefit the whole community. We’re very excited to host this event.”
More than 30 local agencies will be attending the fair, including Voices for Kids/Guardian ad Litem, Harry Chapin Food Bank, C.A.R.E.S. Suicide Prevention, Healthy Start Coalition of Southwest FL, Community Cooperative Ministries, Inc., Center for Independent Living, ECHO, Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Special Equestrians, Inc., Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium and Hope Hospice among others.
The event is free and open to the public. For further information, please call (239) 598-6144.