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Get the facts

By Staff | Dec 8, 2009

To the editor:

As with any controversy, many of those expressing opposition to a position are often not experienced in the field, and therefore miss some salient facts, such as why women avoid mammograms whenever possible. For instance, women whom I’ve checked with decry the old-style mammogram method mostly used, as being quite painful. This makes them highly reluctant to entertain the notion of annual repeat. This is so especially when previous tests and biopsies have long been negative.

If the newer test methods were universally available, then there would likely be fewer objections. But the well-established objections will likely be upheld by those who have been praying for changes. On a related note, I have yet to hear of any plans for sex selection or population control, ala China’s unpopular policy. I don’t think that the people here will agree with such a red herring.

Around 1970, global overpopulation was exposed – and promptly ignored by both the American people and those worldwide in a position to take action on the problem (government and church).

As victims of our own ignorance, we will now all pay the price.

Wayne K. Hood

Cape Coral