Vacancy on Partnering for Results Proposal Review Committee
Commissioner Hall has a vacancy on Partnering for Results Proposal Review Committee. If you would like to serve on this committee, please complete the application and get it back to Hall’s office as soon as possible.
Hall will make the appointment at the Tuesday Jan 5, 2010 BoCC meeting.
District Sensitive. Each Commissioner has four (4) appointments. 5/20/2008 – Per direction from the County Attorney the names of ten representatives from private and public organizations participating in the proposal review process have been added as voting members of the advisory committee. None of the agencies represented get funding through the Partnering for Results process. They were confirmed and read into the record by the Board Chairman to serve along with the Board appointed citizens.
Evaluate proposals from non-profit organizations seeking funding through the Partnering for Results Request for Proposals (RFP) process.
For infomation contact Carmen Salom, Executive Assistant to Commissioner Tammy Hall, Lee County Board of Commissioners District 4.
239-533-2226 office
Source: Commissioner Tammy Hall