Time to take back America
To the editor:
After all the hype for hope and change after the 2008 election, I feel like I am watching a Hollywood disaster movie.
This is the most dangerous time in the history of this great nation, as we are on the verge of losing our freedom and becoming a socialist dictatorship in which we have a supreme leader. If this were a movie let’s see who could be in the cast.
The Wizard of Oz could be played by Barack Obama, this man is all about smoke and mirrors, can anybody believe anything that comes out of his mouth. He is the biggest liar in our presidential history. What happened to transparency, working together with Republicans, keeping unemployment to 8 percent, and balancing the budget?
The only campaign promise he is close to keeping is closing Guantanamo prison. One of the main reasons, he says, is because it’s being used by terrorists as a recruiting tool. As if bringing these murderers to the U. S., the land of the Great Satan will not boost their ranks and enrage all the terrorists to try harder to attack us at home.
Let’s continue with the cast, how about Nancy Pelosi as the Wicked-itch of the West; this woman belongs in an insane asylum. Her flying monkeys could be played by H. Waxman (CA), C. Rongel (NY) B. Franks (MA) Rahm Emanuel, to name a few.
The Three Stooges could be played by Joe Biden, Harry Reid and Janet Nepalitano. As the head of Homeland Security, she is more worried about the threat from our returning servicemen than the real terrorists.
The Wicked Queen could be played by Hillary Clinton and the seven dopes played by Schumer (NY), Durbin (IL), Dodd (CT), Nelson (FL), Boxer (CA), Kerry (MA) and Franken (MN); he is an actual clown.
These morons along with every Democrat in the House and Senate don’t even bother to read what is in their bills that are being shoved down our throats, and don’t care what the majority of the people in the U.S. think about it.
These cast members are trying to completely change the course of our country that was respected around the world to one that is the laughing stock of the world. Obama, in one year, has insulted our closest allies like England and Israel and bowed down to every socialist dictatorship and sworn enemy like China, Iran and North Korea.
It is time we wake up, America, and take back our country this next election by voting these bums out.
I forgot to add the cast of millions who voted for these idiots, I would hope they go stand in front of a mirror and ask themselves this question, Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the dumbest of them all.
Joe Bleers
Cape Coral