Join the club
To the editor:
Well, Joe Bleers, regarding your letter of Feb. 6, rest assured that we are in no danger concerning a socialist dictatorship, regardless of what your bogus “news source” told you.
Are you, per chance, a member of the ultra conservative Libertarians, who are against everything (but don’t know exactly what?) Your “tea-baggers” just held a convention, penning their confused hopes on airhead Sarah Palin. (A lost cause, if ever one existed.)
Guess you haven’t noticed that President Obama is working 24/7 to try to correct the many ills that the country is suffering from. Government has never been fully transparent, if anything is ever accomplished. He has also bent over backwards to work with Republicans (but they have vowed to have none of it, else he might just accomplish something good.) Unemployment is dropping slowly, as can be expected in a deep recession, especially since Republicans have backhandedly blocked action on corrective legislation. And reducing the budget? Get serious again – that is contra-indicated during recession. Many of us are fully aware that only massive government spending has any chance of cutting this disastrous recession. (Where were you in the ’30s?)
Oh, you might just find it interesting that next year’s budget deficit is expected to be lower. (Dancing in the streets, anyone?)
You can’t expect to see campaign promises fulfilled without some support from the loyal opposition, which has not been forthcoming so far. The nay-sayers will do us in every time.
Now tell me, who has the time to read a 2,000 page bill, especially if you already have had a year to know what is contained? If you don’t really know what is in the bill, then that is your fault for listening to the vested interests.
If you want to know what the world thinks about America, just ask the Nobel-Prize committee, they are closer to it than we are.
You are apparently unaware of the tradition of exchanging bows with foreign dignitaries, even friends and allies.
Also, the cast members you mentioned should thank you for the free endorsements, as history will affirm. It will also affirm Nancy Pelosi as the best Speaker of the House since Sam Rayburn. Too bad you can’t see the forest for the trees.
I fully understand about being out of power, but if you take back America with your ideas, then I want no part of it, hands down.
So get your facts straight, and join the club (America)!
Wayne K. Hood
Cape Coral