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Unhappy with administration’s actions

By Staff | Apr 13, 2010

To the editor:

“We are, fundamentally, just five days away from transforming the United States of America.” Those were the words of Barack Hussein Obama five days before he took the oath of office as president of the greatest country the world has ever known.

First, it was his 25 year association with the radical minister, Rev. Wright. Next, it was his friends and association with members of the Chicago mobs. Learning of this, I knew I would never vote for him.

Obama was a senator for his first time, and only a short time, and his only experience was a community organizer. No business experience in the private sector, and little economic knowledge. His background did not show me that he was qualified to be the president.

The numerous things that have been instituted, and have happened in his first year has me wondering what direction we were headed. Many, many things has shown me, much is un-American. His appointments to his administration sent up red flags. Some 40 “Czars” (most of them not requiring congressional approval) and other appointments as well, were people of questionable backgrounds. Examples: Extreme leftists, admitted communist, a lover of Mao (who killed a million or more Chinese), a far out kook environmentalist, non-believers of the Constitution (admittedly), and a radical terrorist connected to the ’93 Trade Center bombing.

It is insane to have these types of people in the Obama administration. We need people that believe whole-heartedly in America and our way of life.

Examples of a partial list of appointments if you care to check them out: Bill Ayes, Van Jones (resigned, but still around), John Holden, Cass Sunsteen, Samatha Powers, Harold Koh, David Hamilton, Dawn Johnsosn, Kevin Jennings, Mac Lloyd, Rosa Brooks, Carol Browner, Valerie Jarrett, and Rahm Emanuel.

Three cabinet members are not qualified for their positions; Janet Napolitiano (Homeland Security), Kathleen Sebliu (Health), and most of all Eric Holder who wants the Trade Center mastermind terrorist tried in our court in New York City instead of a military tribunal. He and Obama want terrorist Miranadized. This is a outrage and Congress should stop it.

Let’s not forget Obama’s longtime buddy and frequent White House visitor, Andy Stem, who heads up the Service Employee International Union (SEIU), a powerful corrupt organization.

The education of our children is a vital concern. Be aware that our schools are indoctrinating our youth that is not American. Are you sure your children are being taught the true, factual history of this country and how it was founded? The study of the Constitution is a must.

Government spending is outrageous, and major crisis. Over trillion dollar budgets, and our national debt of $12.3 trillion is unbelievable. People need jobs, but throwing government money at job creation never works. No one in the Obama administration has any experience in the private sector in order to create jobs. Lower taxes are needed to help people in business or start one,to aid them to expand and hire people.

In trying to pass a government run health care bill, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have perpetrated the most disingenuous fiasco in the history of Congress. They (meaning the whole administration and Democrat Congress were suppose to have the most transparent and ethical administration. They have shutout the Republicans, and do not listen to what the people want. This health care bill is not about health, it is about power and seizing control of every aspect of your life.

We have a president that made speeches around he world, apologizing for our past mistakes. He humiliated us, made us look bad as a people. I would call for his resignation for the direction he is taking us, and the people he has around him, but for one thing, the vice president might be far worse. Need I say more? Yes, our people will rise above it all

Donald G. Gross

Cape Coral