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Congratulations Commissioner Manning

By Staff | Aug 10, 2010

To the editor:

Lee County is lucky to have John Manning again as a commissioner. Gov. Crist demonstrated good judgment when he selected Mr. Manning to help steer county activities and it’s a comforting feeling to know that a proven professional will be serving in this important capacity.

Commissioner Manning acted in this position a number of years ago and always performed with distinction. His ability to hit the ground running, no doubt, factored into the governor’s decision but obviously Mr. Manning’s skills sealed the deal for his appointment. I don’t presume to know what Commissioner Bob Janes is thinking as he looks down on his beloved Lee County. But I do believe that Mr. Janes, always fighting for the best for all of us, would agree that Gov. Crist made a wise decision by appointing Manning and placed us in good hands. As we approach the November elections, I would hope that the opponents for Bob Janes’ seat on the commission will keep the campaigning clean and professional and will not tarnish the position and the memory of a wonderful man by driveling negative nonsense.

We look forward to a positive and professional campaign.

Dick Kalfus

Cape Coral