
Artic Air prides itself on good service

2 min read
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Artic Air, at 14871 Cleveland Ave. in North Fort Myers, fixes auto air conditioners but also provides other services. CHARLES?BALLARO

In Florida, having an air-conditioned car isn’t just a luxury, it’s a necessity. So, if you find yourself steaming in your car on a hot summer day, a trip to Artic Air may be an option.

In fact, you can take it there if there’s anything wrong at all.

Bryan Underwood bought the shop on 14871 Cleveland Ave. on New Year’s Day last year. Business has been so great that he recently bought a second location at 20 Cabana Ave.

“We specialized in customer service and we’ve almost doubled sales since we took over,” Underwood said.

Fixing and installing car AC units is still Artic Air’s main business, and Underwood said they go the extra mile.

“We give customers a free AC performance check and give our recommendations. We have equipment that most independent shops don’t, such as equipment for hybrids,” Underwood said.

Underwood said Artic Air has superior leak detection equipment and that their experience means it saves the customers money.

Artic Air can also install air conditioning in your classic car

Artic Air also fixes all makes and models, foreign, domestic, and even classic cars, and do it in a family oriented atmosphere, where three generations work to get the job done.

Underwood has nearly 20 years experience working on nearly every car imaginable and brings that knowledge to the shop to help his mechanics become better at their job so customers don’t come back with a problem.

Artic Air also specializes in electro diagnostics and programming, as well as wheel alignments and right on up through engine replacements and customized high performance work.

“There’s no job too big or too small. There are limitations when we have to bring a car to a dealership, but that’s doesn’t happen often,” Underwood said.

The second shop, which was under a different name, has a residual flow from the previous owners.

He added that many people are moving to the area year round and that with the recession over, people are spending money again.

“They come in and we send them out the door happy and talking to their friends about us,” Underwood said. “All the storms up there are driving snowbirds to move here full time.”

Artic Air is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

For more information, call 995-0995 or Artic Air II at 997-0310.