
No fourth term for Dailey

Civic president says he will stay involved but will not seek re-election to top spot

By CHUCK BALLARO 2 min read

Come February, the North Fort Myers Civic Association will have a new president.

During the group’s meeting at the North Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce office last week, president Doug Dailey announced he will not run for a fourth term.

“It’s like I’m working two full-time jobs at times. Because of professional and personal reasons, I will not be running for another term as president,” said Dailey, who works for the city of Cape Coral.

Dailey said he plans to continue to serve on the executive board and hopes there’s someone willing to take over the reins come the election in February.

Dailey joined the civic association in 2017 after then-president Michael Land suggested a name change to North Fort Myers, which resulted in a controversy.

When Land stepped down as president in February 2018, Dailey was elected president.

Dailey then led a board that changed the direction of the civic association, which had seen its membership dwindle, starting with a complete rebranding of the group.

He started the Wiffle Ball Bash, which became the group’s biggest fundraiser, and the group increased its presence in the area, becoming a fixture at County Commissioner meetings and taking up major issues, such as supporting Paradise Isle and working for improvements at the Hancock Bridge Square Shopping Center.

He also got younger people involved in civic leadership, which the membership of the governing board started to show. He also joined forces with the Chamber of Commerce and the North Fort Myers Rotary to form the North Fort Myers Coalition to amplify the voices of those organizations.