Marketing firm lives up to its name

Richard Feldman spent more than 20 years running his company in Long Island, New York. Then he was “guilted” to come to Southwest Florida.
Today, Simply Dynamic helps companies market their products and services from a creative standpoint, helping them with graphics, web and print design, mailing, digital marketing and promotional services.
“We do anything that is in the realm of marketing and branding. We wanted to be a one-stop shop for new businesses to develop their logos, websites, letterheads, brochures and other promotional items,” Feldman said. “The only thing we don’t do is car wraps.”
The company started in 1999 after Feldman was laid off in a downsizing from a direct mail company. His boss was also laid off, and decided to start their own firm focused on the creative end of marketing.
His partner died in 2014, and after having as many as 12 employees, he was forced to turn them loose when the economy turned sour in 2008 and make them freelancers. He also left his office and started working from home and learned some of the things he needed to.
“They’re good people. They are people I’ve known for 25 years. I’m not an expert at everything, and the people I know have their niche,” Feldman said. “I have about 25 people I can count on.”
In 2018, Feldman was “guilted” to come to Florida by his two sisters, who live in Cape Coral, to keep the family together.
“I love the weather. I love the people. I was leaning toward the east coast, but we wanted to keep the family together,” Feldman said.
After the pandemic hit, Feldman decided to diversify, starting a company called Helping America Move, kind of an “Angie’s List” for people who are looking to move so they can find services they need.
“You can find people who do housecleaning, decluttering, real estate agents, lawyers and other things. It should go online at the beginning of the year,” Feldman said. “Knowing what I went through when I came here, I could have used a site like this.”
Feldman can be reached by phone at any reasonable time by calling 631-509-0076, emailing, or visiting