
March Library programs promise fun for all ages

4 min read

Kids, teens and adults alike will all like the different programs at the North Fort Myers Library in March.

Photo buffs who want to improve their camera skills can attend Digital Photography 101 on Wednesday, March 18, at 2 p.m.

You can learn how to take real photos instead of snapshots from the advice of professional photographer Ron Surmick.

“Ron is a professional photographer who travels around the world,” said Lillie Mason, library associate. “He travels with his wife, and they stay several months at a time in different places and wherever they go. They go into the community and offer this class free of charge.”

The next day, Thursday, March 19, a book discussion on “Marjory Stoneman Douglas: Voice of the River, An Autobiography” will be featured, starting at 2 p.m.

Douglas is nationally known as the first lady of conservation, the woman who “saved” the Florida Everglades. The founder of the Friends of the Everglades, a feminist and a fighter for racial justice, Douglas’ intelligence, wit and insight mirror an indomitable spirit.

“This program is in honor of Women’s History Month,” said Mason. “Douglas was a Florida writer, and this is a classic story about the rivers in Florida.”

For teens who are into the wildly popular “Coraline” movie, there will be a book discussion on author Neil Gaiman’s “Coraline” book. That will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10.

For those who have either read the book or saw the movie, there will be the discussion of what is considered award-winning, fantasy “graphic novel.”

“Graphic novels are so popular with our teens,” said Mason. “It’s a new genre. It’s like a comic book, but there’s so much more detail, like in the storyline. It’s now out as a movie, and the movie draws a lot of kids to the book and vice versa.”

For kids, there is a new and different program called “Shoe-Be-Do” scheduled for 4:30 p.m. on Monday, March 23. Kids can make and wear colorful sandals made from recycled newspaper. It’s for those age 6 and up.

“This is going to be a fun craft program,” said Mason. “What we’re doing is recycling newspapers to make these colorful sandals. This was one of the crafts projects presented to us at a workshop. I personally think kids will enjoy it.”

Another featured and regularly offered program for kids is the Kids Read Down Fines day onSaturday, March 28, at 2 p.m. Kids can read for credits toward fines. Children and teens can earn a $2 coupon for every 15 minutes of reading during the allotted time in the designated area of the library. Coupons may be applied to cards issued to patrons age 18 and under only.

Monthly programs are also very popular at the library, according to Reference Librarian Joan O’Brien.

“Mark your calendar for the first Tuesday of every month for the Miss Marple Monthly Knitters,” she said.

These sessions are for knitters and crocheters of all levels. You are invited to visit and share project and technique ideas. The program is at 2 p.m.

Books and Bites is also a popular program. They are on the first Monday of the month at 10:30 a.m. It’s a monthly social hour, open for discussion of any book in any format, or movies that have peaked interest. The library provides coffee and refreshments.

“The group continues to grow, so join in the fun,” said O’Brien.

For families, there is the on-going Baby-Parent Rhyme Time. In March, the program will be held at 11 a.m. ,Thursday, March 12. Rhymes and songs featured are for infants, up to 24 months, accompanied by an adult. This 20-minute program is filled with songs designed to introduce rhyming and movement to infants. Registration is required.

The North Fort Myers Public Library is located at 2001 N. Tamiami Trail, N.E. For more information about a program or to register, call the library at 997-0320. A sign language interpreter is available with 48-hour notice. Call the Deaf Service Center at 461-0334 (voice) or 461-0438 (TTY). Assistive listening devices are available upon request.

Check the Lee County Library System’s Web site at, or pick up an events calendar on your next visit, to find out about programs at other locations. Call the host library, or Telephone Reference at 479-INFO (4636), for more information about a specific program.