
Lee County Schools now on Twitter

2 min read

From the award-winning Web site ( to the implementation of the ParentLink system to the LEE in the Loop e-Newsletter, the District has looked for as many ways to keep people in formed as possible.

And now we’ve added a new feature that allows people to stay informed we’re on Twitter!

Lee County Public Schools is now part of the Internet communications service Twitter. People can sign up to “follow” and will receive “Tweets” when the District sends out new information.

“This is an emerging way for people to stay connected to those people and organizations that are important to them,” said Dr. James Browder, Superintendent of Schools. “It’s yet another way for us to provide important information to our stakeholders that they sign up for themselves, which is great.”

Those interested can simply click on the Twitter icon found on the District’s main Web page and follow the directions it’s that simple.

This will allow the District to send reminders about upcoming events from the Student Assignment Batch processes to report cards being issued to when it’s time for the FCAT or other standardized testing. In addition, it will allow District officials to send out information concerning emergency situations in real time, which will help cut down on the rumors and misinformation that can spread during those situations.