
Enjoy 4th Fun and Food and Save Lives

2 min read

Enjoy a weekend of fun and festivities for the 4th of July and save lives while doing it. Join other local heroes at Florida’s Blood Centers locations with food for everyone at each center location Friday through Sunday. Donors will receive a $10 Publix gift card AND a $10 Darden Restaurant gift card for donating Friday through Monday. (Darden gift cards are good at Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Bahama Breeze and Longhorn Steakhouses.) Gift card incentives are not available on the Big Red Buses.

Blood donations help save the lives of trauma patients, premature babies, cancer patients and people needing surgery. The patient in need of a life-saving blood transfusion could be your neighbor, a family member or even yourself. Most donations will impact those patients within a few days. If you have ever donated blood or thought about it, now is the time to be a local hero and save lives in your community.

The public is encouraged to call 1-888-9DONATE for center locations to make a donation. Check out eligibility questions on our web site at

When: Friday, July 3- Sunday, July 5, 2009- July 4th food for donors

Friday, July 3- Monday, July 6, 2009- Publix $10, Darden $10 gift cards for donors

Where: All Florida’s Blood Center Locations- go to

Who: We need any person who has ever considered giving blood to please contact Florida’s Blood Centers. Cancer patients are in daily need of treatment, burn victims use plasma, trauma victims need red blood transfusions, and routine surgeries depend on the gift of a volunteer donor. Donors can be as young as 16 and should weigh at least 102 pounds. There is no upper age limit.

Current Facts!

Donations to Florida’s Blood Centers stay in our community to save lives.

Every donation is separated into components in our region and will be transfused into a patient usually within 2 to 3 days.

Just one donation can save multiple lives, because it’s separated into components- Red Blood Cells, Plasma and Platelets, Clotting Factors and a host of pharmaceuticals.

Every three seconds someone is in need of a blood transfusion.

Source: Floridas Blood Centers