Fort Myers Beach town manager fired
Fort Myers Beach terminated its city manager at an emergency meeting called Tuesday night.
Mayor Larry Kiker called the meeting after receiving media inquirees concerning Town Manager Scott Janke’s wife, who, according to a report posted on AINews, an adult industry Web site, is involved in the adult entertainment business.
“I called a meeting with the council and said we have an issue here,” Kiker said this morning.
The town council discussed the options available, per the town attorney, who was present at the meeting.
The board voted 5-0 that Janke be terminated under a contract clause that lets the council dismiss him “without cause” with a severance package is provided. The amount called for in the contract is six months salary, plus health benefits. The salary portion of the contract is approximately $50,000 Kiker said.
“If you look at it, the man didn’t do anything illegal,” Kiker said. “But it’s obvious what the issue is.”
Kiker was asked if the council had verified the AINews report.
“Our immediate reaction makes the assessment of the situation obvious,” the mayor said. “I think that that information has been verified.”
He stressed again that the council does not believe that Janke has done anything illegal, or wrong. It’s the personal sitation that is at issue, specifically, how that situation might affect town management.
‘”What we’re reacting to is the situation that the issue puts the town in, how effectively can we govern,”Kiker said. “We don’t need any distractions.”
Janke was not present at he meeting. He is aware of the council decision.
“He is no longer working for the town,” the mayor said.
Janke decline comment when contacted twice by phone Tuesday.
Fort Myers Beach town manager fired
Fort Myers Beach terminated its town manager at an emergency meeting called Tuesday night.
Mayor Larry Kiker called the meeting after receiving media inquiries concerning Town Manager Scott Janke’s wife, who, according to a report posted on AINews, an adult industry Web site, is involved in the adult entertainment business.
“I called a meeting with the council and said we have an issue here,” Kiker said this morning.
The town council discussed the options available, per the town attorney, who was present at the meeting.
The board voted 5-0 that Janke be terminated under a contract clause that lets the council dismiss him “without cause” if a severance package is provided. The amount called for in the contract is six months salary, plus health benefits. The salary portion of the contract is approximately $50,000 Kiker said.
“If you look at it, the man didn’t do anything illegal,” Kiker said. “But it’s obvious what the issue is.”
Kiker was asked if the council had verified the AINews report.
“Our immediate reaction makes the assessment of the situation obvious,” the mayor said. “I think that that information has been verified.”
He stressed again that the council does not believe that Janke has done anything illegal, or wrong. It’s the personal situation that is at issue, specifically, how that situation might affect town management.
‘”What we’re reacting to is the situation that the issue puts the town in, how effectively can we govern,”Kiker said. “We don’t need any distractions.”
Janke was not present at the meeting. He is aware of the council decision.
“He is no longer working for the town,” the mayor said.
Janke declined comment when contacted twice by phone Tuesday.