Four local students get end of year Do The Right Thing Award
Four North Fort Myers area students were recently honored by the Lee County Sheriff’s Department as the Do The Right Thing program award recipients for December 2010, the last great student recipients for the 2010 year.
John McGraw is the program director, and has described the awards as recognizing humanitarian concerns, honesty, integrity, positive decision making and heroism.
Three students from Bayshore Elementary School and a student from Mariner High School got the honors.
Their awards included helping students with physical impairments, helping in a traffic accident and one in the art of listening, to improve another’s self esteem.
“I like many things about this award,” said Bayshore Elementary School Principal Lynn Herrell. “This is one of those awards that the children aspire to achieve. They understand how important to is to do the right thing all of the time.”
The awards recognized local students included Bayshore Elementary’ Cesar Orta, Jon Baxter, Skye Mikes and Mariner High’s Dylan Jones.
Bayshore Elementary has been the Do The Right Thing Elementary School of the Year for the last two years in a row.
The students that are nominated are role models, educators at all schools said.
That was the sentiment of Bayshore Elementary School teacher Olivia Lefko, who nominated the school’s Jon Baxter.
“Jon is a fantastic role model for all students and is a fine gentleman,” said Lefko.
Baxter of Fort Myers is a second grade student at Bayshore Elementary School.
In Lefko’s nomination, she wrote, “Jon Baxter is in my class. Even though Jon is one of the younger students in my class he is one of the most helpful ones. When a classmate broke his arm and was in a cast, Jon was his right hand man. Jon went through the lunch line and scooped his friend’s food and carried his tray. Even after the student’s arm had healed Jon still was willing to help with his lunch tray. Jon has also become my Resident AR Assistant.
“Whenever a classmate needs help logging in or typing in a title Jon is there to solve the problem. Not only does Jon help his classmate, he teaches them where to find the log in number and how to check the title for errors. Jon always helps with a smile on his face. The eagerness Jon exudes when helping others is contagious! Jon always puts other students first and never complains.”
Skye Mikes of Fort Myers is a fifth grade student at Bayshore Elementary School.
Bayshore Elementary School guidance counselor Jan Moretti wrote in her nomination letter that she observed exemplarily behavior by that student. “I saw Skye assisting a classmate in a wheelchair. She was very kind and helpful to him. When that student needed to exit the Library, Skye said let me hold the door and your books for you so that you can go through the doorway.”
“I was touched by the compassion Skye showed toward her classmate with a disability. Her reaction to the situation demonstrated that it was a pleasure to serve another who might need a little extra help or support. I am so happy and proud to say that Skye Mikes is a Bayshore Elementary School student where our school motto is: Work hard – be kind.
Cesar Orta of Fort Myers is a fifth grade student at Bayshore Elementary School.
ESE Resource Teacher Beth Brownell nominated that student. At Bayshore Elementary School we stress kindness, individual responsibility and a sense of community. Some of our Fifth Grade students meet Kindergarten students at their classrooms and walk to the bus together. I watched and listened as Cesar met a little girl at her classroom one day. He greeted her respectfully and asked about her day.
“What amazed me was that he actively listened to her response and followed it up with responses affirming that she had a great day and that he was pleased that she had made great choices in her actions. Several days later, I asked him if he picked up his little sister for the bus each day. He looked confused and replied no-she only rides my bus so I make sure she gets there safely. He does far more that that! He teaches her to be respectful, make good choices and seems to be a standout for an honorable young man doing the right thing that I felt I had to nominate him.
Another local student, Dylan Jones of North Fort Myers, is an eighth grader attending the Mariner High School Transition Academy.
North Fort Myers Academy for the Arts Teacher Linda Verdream wrote in her nomination letter that Dylan was riding home in his family’s car with his mother and two younger sisters when she encountered an incident that deserved merit. “One sister is in Kindergarten and the other sister is in First Grade. As their car was pulling out of the school parking lot they were hit on the driver’s side passenger door, spun around and stopped in a ditch across from the School.
“Dylan immediately got himself and his two younger sisters out of the vehicle because he was afraid there may be leaking gasoline and could be an explosion or fire. He got them a safe distance away from the vehicle. He had his hands full.
“As there is a Fire Station nearby, EMT’s were on the scene immediately to assess Dylan’s mother before transporting her to a hospital. Dylan kept both of his sisters calm and safe at the crash until their father arrived. I feel Dylan should receive the Do The Right Thing award for his bravery and unshaken composure shown at the accident scene.”
Students like being recognized.
“It felt good to get the award,” said Bayshore’s Baxter.
Student Orta agreed. “I was very excited and thought it would be good to win it again.”
The honorees get a ceremony with Sheriff Office officials, a trophy and get to bring their families for their award presentation. “My grandma and grandpa also got to come to it,” said Skye Mikes.
Other Lee County honorees:
– Ricky Juarez of Lehigh Acres is a first grade student at Harns Marsh Elementary School.
Harns Marsh Elementary School, First Grade Teacher Crystal Hampton wrote in the Nomination Letter that Ricky always goes out his way to help others. He is a great role model in my classroom and in the school. He is kind and helpful to other students and teachers. Ricky has a heart of gold and always makes everyone around him feel special.
– Geffrey Jean Louis of Lehigh Acres is a third grade student at Harns Marsh Elementary School.
Harns Marsh Elementary School third grade teacher Diane Walcher wrote in the Nomination Letter that Geffrey found money in the school cafeteria. Instead of pocketing it he alerted an adult. His actions reflect great honesty. On another occasion at the School Open House he was given candy. He very politely asked for some additional pieces of candy to share with his brothers! He is always willing to help and is a great role model for the other students.
– Maurisha Pierre of Lehigh Acres is a second grade student at Manatee Elementary School.
Manatee Elementary School second grade teacher Ginjer Fassold wrote that “I am nominating Maurisha Pierre for the Do The Right Thing Youth Recognition Program for her willingness to always help around the classroom along with her concern for others. Maurisha is always the first student to offer help to other students and to the teacher. She is constantly coming up to me and asking if she can pass out papers or collect them. Maurisha is the only student who offers a happy hug daily to anyone who needs one. It is a pleasure to have such a positive, helpful student in my classroom. Maurisha has a very caring heart and should be rewarded for being so concerned with other people s feelings. I am hoping that she will be among those chosen to be recognized for the warm, caring, giving young lady she is becoming.
– Stephanie Rivera of Fort Myers is a Second Grade student at Manatee Elementary School.
Manatee Elementary School second grade teacher Ginjer Fassold wrote that I am nominating Stephanie Rivera for the Do The Right Thing Youth Recognition Program for her continued willingness to reach out and help other students in the classroom. In the beginning of the school year, Stephanie offered to be a class buddy to a new student in our classroom. Since then, Stephanie seems to have made it her personal goal to make sure the student feels comfortable and secure every day. This new student is quite shy and reserved. Remarkably, so is Stephanie. However, when the student does not understand something or when we are going over a difficult topic in the classroom, I always notice Stephanie asking the student if she understands the topic and reminding her that she is there for the student if she gets stuck or lost. Stephanie is an all-around caring, considerate, helpful young lady. I hope that she will be among those chosen to be recognized for the caring young lady she is becoming.
– Merrin Crawford of Fort Myers is a second grade student at Manatee Elementary School.
Manatee Elementary School second grade teacher Ginjer Fassold wrote that “I am nominating Merrin Crawford for the Do The Right Thing Youth Recognition Program for her overall kindness and compassion for others. Every day Merrin greets the other students when she arrives in class. She has a happy heart and always has a smile on her face. She is the quiet role model for behavior in our class. Merrin is a reserved, shy little girl.
“However she is a joy to have in class. All of the students in my class helped in nominating her as the most respectful student in our class for the month of September. Merrin is always polite and respectful to other students and teachers. Students like Merrin are a great asset to Manatee Elementary. Merrin perfectly represents our school’s motto of being a learner today, leader tomorrow. Merrin has wonderful support from her family. Her family has done a fantastic job in teaching her positive values and character development. It is obvious that she has been taught responsibility, honesty, respect, and the ability to care for others. Merrin has chosen to make these values a part of her everyday life. Merrin is an all around caring considerate helpful young lady. I am hoping that she will be among those chosen to be recognized for the warm, caring, young lady she is becoming. “
– Martha Cuellar of Lehigh Acres is a seventh grade student at Varsity Lakes Middle School.
Varsity Lakes Middle School paraprofessional Carlene Burkhead wrote in the Nomination Letter that “Martha Cuellar is a new student at Varsity Lakes Middle School and is just getting to know her way around. With all of that on her, she still took the time to turn in a cellular telephone that she found at school. Her honesty is refreshing to see in someone so young.”
– Logan Poland of Fort Myers is an eighth grade student at Varsity Lakes Middle School.
Ms. Sarah Ferguson, sixth grade language arts teacher at Varsity Lakes Middle School wrote in the Nomination Letter that “Logan volunteered ten hours of her time at Sunshine Elementary School, in September. She assisted the teachers by grading papers and running errands. The Fourth and Fifth Grade students at Sunshine Elementary School are involved in a Mathematics Super Star Competition each week. Logan helps the teachers grade the competition papers by writing the points on the sheet under each teacher’s name, adding all the points together for each teacher, and then she created a bulletin board display announcing the winning classes. This monumental task Logan takes on helps keeps the students doing mathematics voluntarily.”
The following two students were honored together.
– Michael Quezada of Lehigh Acres is a seventh grade student. Austin Sawtelle of Lehigh Acres is a seventh grade student. They both attend Alva Middle School.
Alva Middle School, School Resource Officer Deputy Bill Patton wrote in the Nomination Letter that while in the School Cafeteria Michael and Austin takes it upon themselves to stay after their class is excused. Michael and Austin do this to help clean up the area where their class was sitting. Their efforts help out the School Custodial Staff. It is a pleasure to know that Michael and Austin have a great respect for the Staff and are concerned about helping keep their school clean.
– Natalie Moreno of Lehigh Acres is an eighth grade at Alva Middle School.
Alva Middle School physical education teacher Margaret Spradlin wrote in the Nomination Letter that Natalie Moreno found a cellular telephone in the girl’s locker room at school. Without any hesitation she turned it in to school authorities.
– Chalil Figueroa of Fort Myers is an eighth grade student at Veterans Park Academy for the Arts.
Veterans Park Academy for the Arts, Assistant Principal John Peters Jr. wrote in the Nomination Letter that earlier this school year two Eighth Grade students (brother and sister) lost their father due to cancer. Because of their financial difficulties, our School Staff and Community raised funds to assist the family with their move back to New Jersey. Hearing this, Chalil sold three of his video games in order to raise money to help his friends. Chalil showed his love and unselfishness by doing this. Out of all the money we raised for the family, Chalil’s thoughtfulness touched the family the most.
– Aaron Aylesworth of Lehigh Acres is a fifth grade student at Veterans Park Academy for the Arts.
Veterans Park Academy for the Arts Assistant Principal John Peters Jr. wrote in the Nomination Letter that Aaron became aware of a safety concern at School. Aaron went to School Authorities and shared the safety concern with them. School authorities were then able to handle the situation, by taking appropriate actions. Coming forward with this information was a very brave thing to do. Aaron showed his unwavering dedication to his school and its students.
– Josh South of Fort Myers is a twelfth grade student at Estero High School.
Estero High School, School Resource Officer Deputy A. J. Thierer wrote in the Nomination Letter that during a school day a student started having an epileptic seizure. Josh helped the teacher get the student out of his desk and on to the floor, so he would not hurt himself. He continued to provide assistance until help arrived. Josh’s actions, to help another student in medical need, should be commended.
– Kendra LaFreniere of Fort Myers is a twelfth Grade student at Cypress Lake High School.
Cypress Lake High School, Assistant Principal Dr. Jonathan Druskis wrote in the Nomination Letter that Kendra is a remarkable student. Her grade point average is 4.10 when you factor in her Honor Classes. Kendra finds time to be very active in her school. She is a part of almost all of the Clubs at Cypress Lake High School. Kendra has also helped out the School Administration with an important issue. For that we are grateful.
The following three students were honored together.
– Will Smoot of Fort Myers is a twelfth grade student. Ran Sun of Fort Myers is a twelfth grade student. Michael Farris of Fort Myers is a twelfth Grade student. All three students attend Cypress Lake High School.
Cypress Lake High School, School Resource Officer, Cpl. Ranju George wrote in the Nomination Letter that the three students were together when they found a cellular telephone. Without any second guessing or hesitation they turned it in to school authorities. Whereas some might be tempted to keep it, sell it or use it, together they made the right decision. Their actions reflect honesty and integrity. They are great students involved, in a positive way, in the life of their School.
– Bret Richard Blanchette of Fort Myers is a ninth grade student at Riverdale High School.
Riverdale High School, physical education teacher Herb Brown Jr., wrote in the Nomination Letter that after Physical Education Class, Bret found a wallet containing a substantial amount of money in it. He immediately came to me and another teacher and turned it in. He has been a very mild mannered young man which makes me believe honesty fits his character. He also treats others in the class with the upmost respect.
Each month throughout the 2010-2011 school year, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office honors the positive actions of our community’s students through the Do The Right Thing Student Recognition Program.
The goal of Do The Right Thing is to reinforce positive behavior among youths and to establish students as role models for their peers. Do The Right Thing partners law enforcement, local government, the business and Lee County educational community together in an effort to make a lasting positive impact on our community s young adults.
For information on the program, call 477-1175.