LDOT Roadwatch Update
Jan 13, 2011 through Jan 19, 2011
I. Road Projects
New 11/4/2010
Buckingham Rd. Paved Shoulder Phase II from Neal Rd. to Gunnery Rd. Work began
the week of November 8, 2010 to add 4′ paved shoulders on Buckingham Rd. from Neal Rd. to
Gunnery Rd.. Buckingham Rd. will be reduced to one lane of traffic for paving and grading
operations. Lane closures will be limited to 500′ in length between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.
Flagmen will be on site to direct traffic. Project completion is January 2011. Contact Sarah
Clarke at 239-533-8718
Business Way/South Loop Rd. Sidewalk from Beth Stacey Blvd. to Homestead Rd.
Work is underway to construct a 5′ wide sidewalk along Business Way and South Loop Rd.
Project completion is December 2010. Contact Sarah Clarke at 239-533-8718.
Colonial Blvd (CR 884) Six Laning from I-75 to State Rd 82 (approx. 2.7 miles in length)
Construction activities began on Monday, August 10, 2009. Proposed work consists of widening
an existing four-lane highway facility, to a six-lane urbanized divided highway. This will include
the installation of street lighting, signalization, bridge widening and utility modifications. Two 8-
foot wide asphalt multi-use sidewalks along the north and south sides of the road will be added.
The tentative completion date is April, 2011. If you have any questions they should be directed
to Randy Cerchie, 239-533-8573.
Update 8/12/2010
Colonial Blvd /McGregor to I-75- There will be storm drain installation related activities on the
north and south side of the roadway. Bridge construction related activities will continue for the
next few months on the south side and north side of the roadway. Roadway construction and
signal installation activities will continue in the vicinity of I-75 Bridges along Colonial. Haul
trucks will be entering and leaving the roadway hauling embankment material from pond
excavation affecting the east and west bound lanes east of Treeline Avenue. There will be
intermittent lane closures during the night time hours approx. 8pm to 6am occasionally.
Flagmen, lighted arrow boards, advance warning signs and barricades will be used to assist
motorists traveling through the area. If you have any questions please contact Randy Cerchie,
Lee County Dept. of Transportation at (239) 533-8573.
Update 12/23/2010
Matlacha Bridge -The replacement of the Matlacha Bridge began October 11, 2010. Traffic
will remain on the existing bridge with reduced lane widths; the sidewalk on the south side of the
bridge will be closed. Two-way traffic will be maintained during daylight hours. The project
will take approximately two years. Additional information is available on the project website at
matlachabridge.info. If you have any questions, contact Sarah Clarke at 239-533-8718.
Six Mile Cypress Parkway Four Laning Daniels Parkway to south of Winkler Road
Construction project to widen the two lane section of Six Mile Cypress to a four lane divided
highway is in progress. This work will include the installation of a signalized intersection at
Penzance Boulevard and the addition of a paved path along the west side of the roadway from
Heritage Palms to Daniels Parkway. PLEASE DRIVE WITH CARE and be aware of heavy
equipment entering/exiting the roadway. The tentative completion date is December 2011.
If you have any questions, please contact Cella Molnar & Associates, Inc. at (239) 337-1071
Summerlin Rd. Update 5/27/2010 – from Cypress Lake Dr. to Boy Scout Rd. Work
continues on widening the southbound roadway from north of College to Cypress Lake, and on
the northbound roadway near Boy Scout Rd. Work to remove the asbestos contamination and to
remove and replace the retaining wall on the south side is underway. Project completion is April
2011. Please contact Sarah Clarke at 533-8718 with any questions.
II. Road/Bridge Maintenance
New 10/28/2010
Big Carlos Bridge #120028, on Bonita Beach Rd. over Big Carlos Pass – Lee County DOT
Operations will be managing the concrete repairs and overlay project for Big Carlos Bridge. The
job is scheduled to start October 25, 2010 and finish early 2011, weather permitting. There will
be single lane closures from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Variable message boards will be placed to alert
drivers to bridge closures. If you have any questions, please contact Ehab Guirguis at 533-9400.
.Update 12/16/2010
Joel Blvd. east of Bell blvd. – We will be performing maintenance on the bridge on Joel Blvd
just east of Bell Blvd. starting on Dec. 20. The project should be completed in two weeks. There
will be lane closures.
Update 12/16/2010
Midpoint Memorial Toll Plaza Demolition/Reconstruction-.
There will be five westbound travel lanes and two eastbound travel lanes until the end of January.
Crews are constructing the new open road tolling lanes. During the toll plaza reconstruction,
bicyclists must use the new bike path that was constructed north of (around the back of) the toll
The temporary emergency access turnaround will be eliminated permanently, however, emergency
access is available for authorized vehicles on the east end of the toll via the parking lot.
For updates on all lanes closures, traffic shifts and construction progress, please visit the project Web
site at www.LeeBridgeConstruction.com. The project is expected to be complete by Spring 2011.
Contact Cella Molnar & Associates, Inc. at 239-337-1071 with any questions.
III. Landscaping
New 8/12/2010
U.S. 41 Landscaping Lee County DOT Operations will be managing the installation of
irrigation and landscaping along U.S. 41 between Jamaica Bay and San Carlos Blvd. This project
is scheduled to be completed by the end of January, 2011. Lane closures and traffic impacts may
occur. If you have any questions please contact Bob DeBrock at 239-533-9425.
Bayshore Road Landscaping Lee County DOT Operations will be managing the
installation of irrigation and landscaping along Bayshore Road, between Slater Road and
Pritchett Parkway. This project is scheduled to be completed by the end of January, 2011. Lane
closures and traffic impacts may occur. If you have any questions please contact Bob DeBrock at
IV. County-Wide Road Resurfacing
Resurfacing continues on various streets countywide.
V. County-Wide Sidewalk Construction
VI. Signal Work
Update 1/13/2011
North Fort Myers Signal Interconnection System Limits of construction are from Tara
Woods Boulevard on U.S.41 south to Laurel Drive on Business 41. Project duration will
begin the week of November 8th, 2010 and end on January 21, 2011. Construction activities
consist of trenching and boring underground conduits and installation of fiber cable. Motorists
are asked to use caution as men and equipment will be working near the travel lanes. No lane
closures are anticipated. Please contact Mike Berens at 533-9509 or Mike Say at 533-9514 if you
have any questions.
New 1/6/2010
The following site will have signal repairs done on the designated date. LC Sheriff’s office will
be onsite to direct traffic:
1/13/2011 (Thursday) – Joel & Bell 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
The following sites will have traffic signal cabinet change-outs on the designated dates and LC
Sheriff’s office will be on site to direct traffic:
1/18/2011 (Tuesday) Pondella & Orange Grove 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
1/20/2011 (Thursday) John Morris & McGregor 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
1/26/2011 (Wednesday) Del Prado & SE 6th 9:00 am to 3:00 pm