
Lee County Extension Gardening Series announced

1 min read

This 8 sessions gardening series provides information on plant selection and care in southwest Florida. Learn how to successfully grow all kinds of plants for a fabulous garden. They include succulents, fruit and flowering trees, and vegetable gardening. Know more about the role of climate, temperature and soil. The first three topics are listed below.

February 2, 1:00-2:00 p.m.

Sexy Sustainable Succulents- Tom Hecker, EcoBotanic Designs, Inc. Naples . $5/person

February 16, 8:00-5:00 p.m.

Community Gardening Class-Roy Beckford, Lee County Extension. $10/person

March 2, 1:00-3:30 p.m.

Tropical Fruit Tree Propagation-Steve Curcura, Jesse Avelos, Treehouse Nursery, Bookelia

Hands-on grafting and air layer demonstrations. Emphasis on mango, avocado, lychee and longan propagation. Class size limited to 30. 10/person

PLACE: Lee County Extension Services, 3406 Palm Beach Blvd Ft Myers, FL 33916

Registration: Go to and scroll down and click on icon WebTRAC. Or register by

phone by calling Claudia at (239) 533-7514. If you need further information please call 239-533-7513.

Mail a check made payable to Lee County Board of County Commissioners (LCBOCC) to:

Gardening in SW Florida Lee County Extension Services

3406 Palm Beach Blvd Ft Myers, FL 33916