Rally for the Cure Weekend Golf event organizers seek participants
The 3rd Annual Susan G. Komen Rally for the Cure Weekend Golf event will take place Friday and Saturday, February 4-5, 2011 at The Golf Club at Magnolia Landing in North Ft Myers.
Registration will start Friday evening, 2/4/2011 at the 5:00 PM Preview Cocktail Party. The shotgun format Golf Rally will begin at 8:30 AM Saturday, followed by a 1:00 PM Buffet Luncheon, silent auction, and chance drawings at the Club House . Prizes will be awarded. A handmade theme quilt will be among the items offered at the silent auction.
The fee for the golf event, Friday evening Preview Cocktail Party, Saturday Golf and luncheon is $100. The fee for the Friday Preview Party, Saturday Luncheon and for the after party is $50.
Proceeds will benefit Susan G. Komen of Southwest Florida.
For information/registration contact The Pro Shop at (239) 543-4146.