
Flag Retirement Ceremony a tradition at Buccaneer Estates

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ANDREA GALABINSKI The annual Flag Retirement Ceremony is held at Buccaneer Estates, in the Veterans Memorial Garden.
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Amvets Post 81 Honor Guard retired the community’s flag, an helped lead others in retiring their flags. Guard members included Walter and Carole Ahmad, Doug Roberson, Ellen LaRochelle, Dennis Densmore, Al Peirolo, Ed Tucker and Rick Dellaventura.

In an annual ceremony at the Buccaneer Estates Community, veterans and respectful homeowners joined as a community, to properly retire American flags.

Local veteran officials there were joined by other veterans officials from a variety of such organizations for the ceremony.

A patriotic ceremony was held, and at the end, the flags are burned, which is the proper protocol of respect, said Amvets Post 81 Honor Guard’s Al Peirolo.

The master of ceremonies was Tom Schroat, a Marine Veteran. VFW 10127’s Quartermaster Phil Hicks also participated in the ceremony.

The Honor Guard first posts colors, lowers the community’s flag, and then properly retires it.

Buccaneer’s own flag is one of the cornerstones of the Estate’s Veterans Memorial Garden. That garden also features paver bricks with the names of veterans from many conflicts, and a water fountain and benches for those who want to reflect on veterans remembered.

Walter Ahmad led the Honor Guard, which included Al Peirolo, Carole Ahmad, Doug Roberson, Ellen LaRochelle, Dennis Densmore, Ed Tucker and Rick Dellaventura.

The group there will also hold a community-only Table of Remembrance Ceremony in, March, another honored Veterans tradition.

Buccaneer Estates veterans have several large veterans ceremonies every year, including Veterans Day and Pearl Harbor Day events along with the flag retirement.