Bayshore Elementary’s Cunningham State Elks Poster Winner

Fourth-grade Bayshore Elementary student Callee Cunningham has been names the State Elks Poster Winner.
She was presented a check for $100 recently, and her work is now on its way to the national competition.
“We’re very proud of her,” said Bayshore Elementary Principal Lynn Herrell. “She’s a great student and active in other things at school including our Bayshore Cloggers.”
Officials from the North Fort Myers Elks club did the presentation, with the school represented by guidance counselor Jan Moretti. Elks officials were Thelma Wright-Smith and John Katzenberger.
Wright-Smith is the Florida State Elks Drug Awareness Chairman, a member of the North Fort Myers Elks 2742.
“I’ve been involved with the project over 14 years. If we can keep one kid from getting into drugs it is worth the effort,” she said.
Katzenberger is the incoming chairman.
Callee’s work has been forwarded to nationals after the state award. In July there will be a national meeting in Phoenix where that winner will be chosen, said Wright-Smith.
“Many lodges had contests throughout the state, but Callee made a poster of a globe of the word, because it is a worldwide problem. She included different countries’ languages to include the whole world on the message don’t do drugs,” she said.
“She is a nice young lady, who is looking forward to next year, where she can be involved an essay contest,” she said.