Dircers License information
If you’re from out of state and planning to stay, one of the first things you’ll need to do is change your driver license to a Florida license. Plus, you’ll need to get Florida tags and obtain Florida vehicle insurance.
If you own a vehicle, you must register it within 10 working days of becoming a Florida resident. You then have 10 days to acquire your Florida driver’s license. If you don’t own a vehicle, you must first sign an affidavit attesting to that before getting your Florida driver’s license.
The Cape Coral driver license office is located at 413 NE Van Loon Lane. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 458-4139 or visit www.myflorida.com.
Auto tags and insurance
The person whose name appears on the vehicle title must be at the office to register, with proper identification. The vehicle must also be at the office.
Documents needed include the original title (copies not acceptable) and proof of insurance (at least $10,000 PIP and bodily injured required).
The price of a tag depends on the weight of the vehicle. Renewals are usually around $50-$70. A $100 fee is assessed for cars needing new plates for either residents or non-residents, when there is no tag to transfer.
Within 10 working days of making Florida your permanent residency (i.e. registering children in school, beginning employment, filing homestead status). If Florida is not to be your permanent residency, autos do not have to be registered. Migrant workers are exempt.
* Main Office
2480 Thompson St., Fort Myers
Office, 339-6000
Hrs: Mon. – Fri., 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
* Cape Coral Branch
Lee County Government Center
1039 S.E. 9th Place
Office, 533-6000
Hrs: Mon. – Fri., 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Source: myflorida.com