
Brunch for Backpacks Fundraiser organizers announce entertainers

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Brunch for Backpacks Fundraiser

Supports Students In Need

Enjoy Live Entertainment, Brunch & Silent Auction

“Every $10 Raised Adopts A Student in Need,

Providing Them With A New Backpack and School Supplies

For The 2011/2012 School Year.”

The Brunch for Backpacks Fundraiser is just days away. Giving back to the community is especially important this year for students. Although the economy is showing signs of improvement, many families are still recovering from its aftermath. The Third Annual Brunch for Backpacks & Silent Auction will be held this weekend Saturday, June 11th, 2011, from 11am -2 pm, at The Edison Restaurant in Fort Myers. This event will help raise money to support these students and families in need. The Brunch for Backpacks, which is traditionally attended by area VIP’s, will feature a buffet, dessert, entertainment and silent auction.

Proceeds from the brunch and the silent auction will benefit local students, providing them with new backpacks and the necessary school supplies for the coming school year. These items and other giveaways will be presented to students and their families at the 12th Annual Multicultural Centre of SWFL’s BIG Backpack Event. The outreach event be held at Harborside on Sunday, July 24th, 2011, from 11am – 3pm. The goal is to provide more than 2,000 Lee County elementary school children in need with new backpacks and school supplies for the upcoming 2011/2012 school year. Every $10 raised adopts-a-student in need.

“There are a number of ways that the community can get involved and support students in need,” says Connie Ramos-Williams, Project Director and Board Member of the Multicultural Centre of Southwest Florida. “Simply buying a ticket for the Brunch for Backpacks and attending the event will go far in supporting students in need,” adds Ramos-Williams.

Brunch for Backpacks is sponsored by The Edison Restaurant, Dunkin Diamonds, Woman’s Life and CONRIC PR & Marketing. The event will be held at The Edison Restaurant located on 3583 McGregor Blvd. overlooking the Fort Myers Country Club on Saturday, June 11, 2011, from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Tickets are just $25. The entertainment includes an award winning dance team, songs by Fort Myers Beach City Manager Terry Stewart, Southwest Florida’s Got Talent winner Stephanie Ogilvie, and a special performance by local youth band Melting Clockwork. The Silent Auction will include items such as weekend getaways, foursomes of golf, spa packages, jewelry, boat rentals, fishing charters and more. Seats are limited and reservations are preferred. To RSVP for the Brunch for Backpacks and to purchase tickets conveniently online, go to or contact Connie Ramos-Williams at or 239-690-9840.

The Multicultural Centre of Southwest Florida is a local nonprofit organization founded with the purpose of promoting programs aimed at bringing people of different cultures together and providing support for students and families in need. The Multicultural Centre of SWFL will provide backpacks, school supplies and more to 2,000 plus students in need, or while supplies last at this year’s BIG Backpack Event, otherwise know as the Annual Back-To-School Festival & School Supply Giveaway held at Harborside on Sunday, July 24th, 2011, from 11am – 3pm. For more information about the Multicultural Centre of SWFL or to make a tax deductible donation, visit

Source: Multicultural Centre of Southwest Florida and CONRIC PR & Marketing