Summer safety and security tips offered by LCSO
The kids are out of school and vacations are being planned. Whether it’s a quick trip across Florida or a longer trip across the country, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office encourages everyone to maintain your home’s security while you are gone.
Here are a few quick tips to help protect your home from potential burglars while you are enjoying your family vacation.
? Know Your Schedule — Map out the exact dates and times you will be away from your home. Allow for unexpected delays that may affect your return. You may want to consider stopping your mail and paper delivery or ask a trusted neighbor to pick up your paper and your mail while you are gone.
? Know Your House-Sitter — If you hire someone to watch your house while you are gone, be sure it is someone that you know and trust. This may seem like common sense, but it’s important to remember you are trusting someone with your home and all of it contents. If you need someone to watch your pets, first try to enlist the help of close friends or family members. If necessary, you can always leave your pets in the care of a “pet hotel” or kennel.
? Watch Your Social Updates — Though Facebook, Twitter and other social networks have made it easy to keep up with each other; it also has opened the door to a new thief… the “Check-in, Check-out” burglar. They know when you’re not home because you just “checked in” elsewhere or you told everyone you are heading out to your long anticipated vacation. Even if you only befriend people you trust and keep your account private, it’s important to realize you are advertising to the world that you won’t be home for a specified amount of time.
? Add to Your Security System — If you have a monitored home security system, you may want to check with your security company to see if they offer extra monitoring or features while you are away.
? Check Your Locks — All of the entry doors and windows on your first floor should be protected by burglar-resistant deadbolts and other auxiliary locks. Take a walk around your home and make sure all of your locks work properly.
To arrange to have someone come out to your community to talk about this or another safety or security topic, contact the Lee County Sheriff’s Office, Community Relations Section at 239-477-1400. Visit for more information.