Suncoast ready for holidays
A few weeks ago, the shelves in the food pantry at the Suncoast Community Center were empty.
But thanks to the support of the community, many of the area’s poorest families will be able to have Thanksgiving dinner, either at home or at the facility.
Anthony Stewart, chairman of the Suncoast Neighborhood Task Force, said he wants to make sure every family gets at least a chicken or turkey, and continues to call on area businesses and volunteers to help pitch in and keep the cupboards full.
“Businesses wouldn’t be in business if not for the community supporting it. It’s a big circle and everyone has to help,” Stewart said. “The goal is 300 turkeys and right now, we’re halfway there.”
So far, the Harry Chapin Food Bank has provided some turkeys and chickens, the Lee County Tax Collector’s Office has chipped in some 40 turkeys, and the local grocery stores are doing their share.
Perhaps the biggest contributor has been the Lee County Sheriff’s Office, which has donated more than 3,000 non-perishable items and expects to get a lot more for its upcoming Fight Holiday Hunger event at North Fort Myers Community Park on Sunday, Dec. 7, where the admission price is two canned food items.
The donations help support those in the Suncoast community, one of the poorest areas in Lee County, as well as the surrounding areas, Stewart said.
“Many people in the northwest Cape come here because it’s closer, as well as all North Fort Myers,” Stewart said.
For those who can’t cook, several volunteers are giving up their Thanksgiving to cook a prepared meal for those who come to the community center, whether they are homeless vets or disabled.
Stewart said they’re working with local churches and businesses to get people to help serve from noon to 4 p.m.
“This is the first dinner we’ve attempted. I’m all for helping people, trying to get them back on their feet. And if giving them a hot meal helps, great,” Stewart said. “We’ve started a job link here to help get them a job so they don’t need the food pantry.”
Moving ahead, the task force has started work on Christmas, Stewart said. Sign-ups started last week for families needing gifts for their children between newborn and 18 years old.
Parents will be able to shop at the community center for each child so they will have a gift under the tree. Stewart repeated the need for local businesses to donate, and has gotten great support from the Rotary.
To make a donation or for information concerning the food pantry call (239) 731-9838.