
Rec center to host holiday program

2 min read

It will be an evening of music, dancing, crafts, cookies and fun for the whole family, with a very special guest planned.

The North Fort Myers Recreation Center will host its first Music and Memories Holiday Program from 5 to 7 p.m. on Friday, which organizers hope will become an annual event.

The event will feature holiday crafts, cookies and cocoa, as well as a musical and dance performance and a chance to meet Santa Claus and have your picture taken with him.

Jennifer Sykes, coordinator, said the event is intended for children and their families.

“It’s geared toward kids because we have the crafts and Santa, but it’s open to everybody if they want to just come and watch,” Sikes said. “Bring your camera and have your child’s picture taken with Santa.”

The dance will be performed by the SNAP Dance group, made up of children between the ages of 7 and 13, with the music provided by the Cape Coral Chamber Youth Orchestra, which has played at the rec center in the past, Sikes said.

Cookies will be provided by Uncle Charlie’s cookie ministry.

Sikes said it was the hard work of dance troupe that got her thinking about such an event.

“I’ve always wanted to have a Christmas event. It started with the dance group, the instructor works with the kids for two hours on Wednesday and Sunday and we thought to hold this event to showcase them,” Sikes said.

Admission is free. For more information, contact Sikes at 533-7200.