Can’t run and can’t hide
To the editor:
Aren’t you sick and tired of the likes of Dick Kalfus and his right wing friends who are constantly preaching to us about terrible things are in our great country and also what a train wreck the Obama administration has been for the last six years?
Personally I am. But then again one must consider the source and where these spitball throwers are getting their facts.
On letter writer in another paper stated the only really reliable fact checkers you can count on to have the last word in fact finding is Fox “News” and Rush Limbaugh. That’s right folks, right there in black and white. Can you believe it? The writer even issued a challenge to watch Fox and listen to Limbaugh. Well, I’ve got a challenge of my own. This one to those cheap seats who seem to be interested in only throwing hand grenades from the sidelines on Monday morning, never coming up with any real solutions to the problems at hand except to just say no. Here’s my challenge, come on people write to the mailbag and explain the following:
1) How is it the Republicans had a free-rider fee in their health care program which is the same thing as Obama’s individual mandate which they totally rejected as a part of Obamacare?
2) The Republicans had end-of-life counseling in their health care program. Obama puts the same thing in his health care program and the righties accused Obama of wanting to kill grandma. Sad.
3) There was once a day when the Republicans were in favor of clean energy. Now they fight tooth and nail against it.
4) Congress voted against their own bill to create a deficit reduction commission. Let me explain this one. According to a former GOP senator, they wanted to “stick it to the President.” Great reason to govern. Right?
5) They shout from the tallest mountain they want and need the vote of black voters, yet they continue to promote and pass voter suppression laws and gerrymander the voting distracts to exclude the black vote and increase the white vote.
6) They say they want to include the Hispanic vote, but refuse to pass any kind of legislation that helps these people.
7) They say they want to “lift the poor out of poverty,” yet vote against any measures to get this done. Look at what they just did to the food stamp-program.
8) They say they will concentrate on jobs-jobs-jobs, yet never bring anything to the table to make this happen.
9) One last thing you need to explain to the American people is how is it that since the Republican takeover of the House your Party has failed to get anything of any consequence done in Washington? Your approval rating is somewhere in the teens and the laughing stock of the entire world. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Jim Healy
Cape Coral
Can’t run and can’t hide
To the editor:
Aren’t you sick and tired of the likes of Dick Kalfus and his right wing friends who are constantly preaching to us about terrible things are in our great country and also what a train wreck the Obama administration has been for the last six years?
Personally I am. But then again one must consider the source and where these spitball throwers are getting their facts.
On letter writer in another paper stated the only really reliable fact checkers you can count on to have the last word in fact finding is Fox “News” and Rush Limbaugh. That’s right folks, right there in black and white. Can you believe it? The writer even issued a challenge to watch Fox and listen to Limbaugh. Well, I’ve got a challenge of my own. This one to those cheap seats who seem to be interested in only throwing hand grenades from the sidelines on Monday morning, never coming up with any real solutions to the problems at hand except to just say no. Here’s my challenge, come on people write to the mailbag and explain the following:
1) How is it the Republicans had a free-rider fee in their health care program which is the same thing as Obama’s individual mandate which they totally rejected as a part of Obamacare?
2) The Republicans had end-of-life counseling in their health care program. Obama puts the same thing in his health care program and the righties accused Obama of wanting to kill grandma. Sad.
3) There was once a day when the Republicans were in favor of clean energy. Now they fight tooth and nail against it.
4) Congress voted against their own bill to create a deficit reduction commission. Let me explain this one. According to a former GOP senator, they wanted to “stick it to the President.” Great reason to govern. Right?
5) They shout from the tallest mountain they want and need the vote of black voters, yet they continue to promote and pass voter suppression laws and gerrymander the voting distracts to exclude the black vote and increase the white vote.
6) They say they want to include the Hispanic vote, but refuse to pass any kind of legislation that helps these people.
7) They say they want to “lift the poor out of poverty,” yet vote against any measures to get this done. Look at what they just did to the food stamp-program.
8) They say they will concentrate on jobs-jobs-jobs, yet never bring anything to the table to make this happen.
9) One last thing you need to explain to the American people is how is it that since the Republican takeover of the House your Party has failed to get anything of any consequence done in Washington? Your approval rating is somewhere in the teens and the laughing stock of the entire world. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Jim Healy
Cape Coral