
Habitat home to be dedicated to long-time volunteer

3 min read

When Harold Elsesser retired from the construction industry in 1990, he didn’t want to put his hammer on the shelf and spend the rest of his days doing nothing.

He wanted to get involved in something bigger than himself.

Twenty-five years and more than 20,000 hours of volunteerism later, Elsesser, 91, is the longest running volunteer for Habitat for Humanity in the world, second to former president and first lady Jimmy and Roslyn Carter.

On Friday, Habitat for Humanity of Lee and Hendry counties will honor Elsesser by dedicating a North Fort Myers home in his honor.

Savanna Melton, community outreach specialist, said Elsesser has been with Habitat longer than she’s been alive and called him an inspiration for everyone.

“He just wanted to get involved and donate his time and he’s never left. He has given his time every week,” Melton said. “It’s an inspiration to see someone so selfless and dedicated to the mission of helping others.”

Harold leads a group of volunteers known as “Harold’s Group,” which rehabs homes for low-income families in need. He has built or rehabbed thousands.

Because of his experience and the trust he had gained within Habitat, he is a site supervisor who acts as a contractor. He doesn’t have any paid personnel overseeing him, Melton said.

Donna Aldrich, who has worked with Elsesser for 24 years and was mentored by him, said she could barely swing a hammer when she started.

“I didn’t know anything about construction. I wanted to see what it was about,” Aldrich said. “I fell in love with the fact that anybody who wants to can learn to build a house and Harold had the patience of a saint.”

Last year, Habitat for Humanity of Lee and Hendry counties recognized Harold for his service at their Habitat Family Reunion party. In honor of his 90th birthday, Harold was presented with 90 nails to be used in a Habitat home bearing Harold’s name.

That home will be dedicated Friday at 10:30 a.m. at 1002 Winsome Road. Habitat for Humanity is inviting anyone who would like to attend the ceremony to honor of Elsesser for his 25 years of service.

At the home dedication, the new homeowner and Harold will be present for the key presentation to the Habitat family.

If anyone deserves the honor, it’s Elsesser.

“I hope a lot of people come and it will be good for Harold. He doesn’t do this for the recognition. Anyone who has worked with him has nothing but good things to say about him,” Aldrich said.

For more information on the dedication or how to donate your time or funds to the mission of Habitat for Humanity, call 652-0434.