County takes action on North Fort Myers projects
The Lee County Board of Commissioners last week had several items involving North Fort Myers on the agenda.
The BOCC approved an easement purchase agreement for the Wellfield Expansion Project.
The item allowed the county to acquire a 26,600-square-foot waterline easement and 2,800-square-foot temporary construction easement for $11,250, plus closing costs, for the North Lee County Water Treatment Plant Wellfield Expansion Project.
The easements provide the necessary rights to extend a raw water main to the county’s water treatment plant on Durrance Road.
Lee County Utilities is planning to expand the North Lee County Wellfield, which is required to support the current raw water capacity of the North Lee County Water Treatment Plant, which serves the potable water needs throughout North Lee County.
Also, a resolution approved a transfer of land to the Florida Dept. of Transportation to improve a bus stop.
County-owned land (579.4 square feet), adjacent to 1288 N. Tamiami Trail, was declared as surplus. The land was conveyed to the FDOT for additional road right of way, which provides for the county’s construction of a bus pull-off and sidewalk for the adjacent county bus stop shelter facility.
After the pull-off and sidewalk are constructed, FDOT will maintain the area as part of their road right of way.
Lastly, the BOCC accepted a donation of a perpetual creek and crossing maintenance easement in the area, allowing the county to replace a driveway pipe crossing structure spanning Palm Creek, at 18671 Palm Creek Drive.
These easement donations will provide the county with rights to maintain the creek into the future. The estimated cost for the replacement project is $80,000, and it is expected to commence shortly following acceptance of these easements.
A portion of Palm Creek is on the eastern half of the property running in a north/south direction, parallel to Palm Creek Drive. A driveway that allows access to the property crosses over Palm Creek by utilizing a pipe-crossing structure.
However, the structure is failing and obstructing the natural flow of water in Palm Creek, increasing the risk of flooding.
Accepting the grant would allow the county to replace the existing structure and restore the natural flow of water in Palm Creek and allow the County rights to clear vegetation within that portion of Palm Creek and maintain it in perpetuity.