Grab and Go meals offered for Lee Home Connect and Lee Virtual School students
Both Lee Home Connect and Lee Virtual School students have the opportunity to pick up a Grab & Go breakfast and lunch meals on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
On Tuesdays, students will receive two breakfasts and lunches and on Thursdays they will receive three breakfast and lunch meals. The pickup sites include both middle and high school campuses. Those families who have students in more than one school are able to pick up meals for all of their children at one of their assigned locations.
Food & Nutrition Services Director Kandace Messenger said with USDA extending the Summer Feeding waiver it allows Food and Nutrition Services to feed children 18 years old and younger. The waiver is in place until Dec. 31 and they are hopeful USDA will extend this into next semester.
“Regardless of the learning platform that the family chose for the child, a hungry child cannot learn,” she said.
The meals include both shelf-stable items, as well as fresh produce and heat- and-serve meals.
Families can drive through their designated distribution line each week to pick up the Grab and Go Meals.
A complete list of the locations and times can be found at the district’s website at
Forms will be passed out at the schools for parents to fill out, which must be visible through the front windshield of their car for proper identification. The student’s last name, ID number and the school they are enrolled in will need to be added to the form.
“The parent is not required to be there to pick up meals,” she said. “If a parent is picking up meals without the child, they will need to show proof of a child; birth certificate; court papers showing guardianship, student schedule. Once proof is established the parent will receive a place card to use for future meal pick up at that site.”