Santa, elves visit Palmona Park
Civic, businesses add to Santa’s gift bag; first responders help with toy deliveries

When Santa pays a visit, people come to see him. And when he comes with a sack full of toys, people don’t miss it.
On Saturday, with the help the North Fort Myers Civic Association and generous donors, Santa paraded around eight streets in the community, giving gifts to all the boys and girls in the first-ever Palmona Park Christmas Parade.
It’s an event they have done at Suncoast Estates for years (and did again on Sunday). But when the Civic Association learned Palmona Park could also use some Santa’s helpers, they sprung into action, holding toy drives at the Monday Cruise-In at Merchants Crossing, drop-off service at various locations and businesses, and more, collecting more than 2,700 toys.
“It is always good to give to the boys and girls something they don’t have,” said Danny Ballard, civic association vice president and a Santa’s helper. “We know how many kids there are (about 400) and where they are, but we’re going to zig-zag the area.”
There was also help from the North Fort Myers Fire Department and the Lee County Sheriff’s Office, which led the procession.
Christy-Lee Iwanow, who organized the event and served as an elf, said they had gifts for people of all ages, including teens, who received gift cards.
“We had members go door to door, telling people of the event and the main truck has holiday music that everyone will hear loud and clear,” said Iwanow, whose All-Superior Auto truck pulled the sleigh to allow the reindeer to rest for the big night. “We got some high-quality toys like basketball hoops and scooters and we look forward to brightening up the kid’s faces and letting them feel the Christmas spirit.”
As the sleigh rode through Stockton Avenue, people come from all over to pick up gifts, making it a little difficult to keep track of who was getting what.
“We were out on our morning bike ride to the Pop Warner closing ceremonies and we saw this. It was so unexpected,” said Rebekah Friedline, who brought her three boys. “It’s amazing for the community to do this for us.”
“This is wonderful. I was walking the dog and heard the police sirens and thought something was wrong,” said Julie Tharp, who brought her granddaughter, Makynzee, 3. “I saw Santa behind them and thought it was so cool. It’s just enough to uplift you.”
“Our goal was making this the largest North Fort Myers community giveaway for 2020, and I think we’ve done just that,” Iwanow said. “Many people were worrying about paying the bills and not thinking about Christmas. We want to spread the Christmas spirit.”