
Students at Ida S. Baker prepare to make pilgrimage; Journey honors graduating seniors

3 min read

This weekend students from Ida S. Baker High School are ready to make a pilgrimage from the former portable campus near High Tech North on Santa Barbara Boulevard to the high school on Agualinda Boulevard.

The pilgrimage will be honoring the Class of 2008, which is made up of students who were freshman in 2004 and the first class to have attended the school for all four years. On Saturday, these students will travel to the new school and then raise money with a carnival called the Baker Appreciation Drive.

Beginning at 9:30 a.m., the senior class will be accompanied by police and motorcycle escort in a series of decorated cars as they travel down Pine Island Road, Chiquita Boulevard and Savona Parkway. After the walk there will be a carnival at Ida S. Baker from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., where proceeds will benefit Project Graduation.

“This class is the first full, four-year graduating class,” said Heidi Aiken, coordinator for Project Graduation. “Everything we are raising on Saturday will go for Project Graduation.”

The project is a nationwide program that provides a substance-free alternative to after-graduation parties. This year’s graduation at Ida S. Baker is at 7 p.m., and Project Graduation will offer a secure party later that night where students participate in activities and giveaways geared toward college.

“We want to get each kid something nice to bring with them to college,” said Aiken.

For students at Ida S. Baker, the fund-raiser on Saturday is one of many that they have been holding since they started at the new school. Since it is a new school, students have had to hold fund-raisers to raise money for some extracurricular activities.

The fund-raiser this weekend will support a safe environment for graduating seniors. Aiken said that she is grateful to everyone who worked on the event.

“I can’t even begin to name everybody, but to the committee and other fine individuals who put forth their time and effort, it has been greatly appreciated and you deserve a world of thanks,” said Aiken.

The carnival at Ida S. Baker will include bounce houses, a 35-foot slide, Go Bots, Laser Tag, a Rock Wall, music by a deejay, a silent auction and a Battle of the Bands at noon. There will also be an appearance by the Cape Coral Fire Department and individual motorcycle groups.

Tickets for the carnival are $1 in advance and $5 on the day of the event.

For those interested in donating to Project Graduation, contact Aiken at 540-8331 or send donations to Toni Morrison at Ida S. Baker High School.