
Community Highlights

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Kayak rentals

The Kayak Shack Outpost at Four Mile Cove/Eco Preserve will close for the season on Sunday, May 25.

Kayaks are available to rent weekends from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Last two-hour rental departs 2 p.m. All boats must be back by 4 p.m.

n Rental rates are: Single kayak: $16 for two hours; $25 for four hours; $8 any additional hours

n Double kayak: $24 for two hours; $35 for four hours; $12 any additional hours. Visa, Mastercard ,cash, or check accepted and driver’s license required to rent. Call 549-4606.

Private ground school

Lee Long, a resident of Cape Coral, recently completed the academic requirements, flight training and Federal Aviation Check Ride to become a licensed private pilot.

The following area residents recently competed the Private Pilot Ground School:

Cape Coral: Johnny Davis, Raymond Kanehl, Adam Lytle, David Rice

Bokelia: Renee Johnson

Fort Myers: Wayne Blankenship, Everett Walter

Completion of the ground school is one step in the process of obtaining a private pilot license.