
Do The Right Thing monthly winners announced

4 min read

The Cape Coral Police Department hosted its Do The Right Thing Student Recognition Awards ceremony for the month of November on Wednesday at City Hall. The following students were recognized for their positive attitudes towards school and family, their healthy decisions regarding drugs and violence, as well as their good citizenship.

Overall winner

— Justin Camargo, ninth grade, Cape High, son of George Camargo

A couple weeks ago while his dad was at work, Justin was awaken at 4 a.m. by the faint screams of his older sister. He went to her side and realized that she was in insulin shock and was going in and out of consciousness. Justin immediately ran to get her some orange juice and helped her drink it as he called 911. While awaiting the arrival of EMS, he remained calm and made his sister a sandwich to stabilize her sugar level. Justin’s quick thinking and selection of the right foods assisted EMS in stabilizing her without any invasive procedures. Justin remained calm in the emergency, assessed the situation and took appropriate action. Justin’s very proud dad also wants us to know that he studies hard and is a leader and a mentor. He plays soccer and is starting kicker for Cape High’s freshman football team. He continues to strive toward a bright and successful future, and his dad tells us that because of that, and especially because he possibly saved his sisters life, Justin is his hero.

— Angie Garcia, 12th grade, Cape High, daughter of Maria Garcia and Raul Lopez

Angie found an envelope in the school cafeteria containing $262. She immediately brought it to the cafeteria manager despite the protests from her classmates. Her friends told her she should have kept the money and they gave her a hard time for showing honesty. Angie works hard in school, and in these economically challenging times, also plays a key role in supporting her family with a part-time job.

— Allen Jones, seventh grade, Caloosa Middle, son of Tina Jones

Allen assisted one of our detectives in solving a burglary in his neighborhood. Allen is in the lifeskills class at Caloosa Middle and his school resource officer, Donna Wylie, states that he has grown tremendously since she first met him. Allen was approached by an acquaintance who tried to sell him various items such as a CD player and an iPod. When Allen asked where the merchandise came from, he was told not to tell anyone, but it was stolen from his neighbor’s house. Allen went straight to the neighbor with the information, then relayed to the police what he had learned. His assistance and the recollection of the events that occurred aided the detective in issuing an arrest warrant and charging the criminal accordingly. Allen’s teacher states that Allen has learned to use his strengths for his betterment and to recognize and work to overcome his weaknesses. He believes in doing what is right and will one day be a pillar in his community.

— Cameron Sikorski, fifth grade, Skyline Elementary, son of Brenda and Scott Sikorski

In October, Skyline Elementary school held a canned goods drive to help replenish the Salvation Army’s food bank. Cameron went home with the flier and told his parents that he was going to use $20 which he had been saving from his allowance to buy canned goods and asked his parents if they would match his contribution. They agreed, and Cameron went shopping with his mom to help her fill the cart with his favorite grocery items before bringing the $40 in canned goods in to school. Cameron’s mom tells us that quite often he donates from his own savings to help others.

— Sonja Bush, eighth grade, Diplomat Middle, daughter of Steven and Tracy Hall

— Christen Hall, seventh grade, Diplomat Middle, daughter of Steven and Tracy Hall

Sonja and Christen are sisters who ride the bus to school each day with their younger brother who is autistic. Each day, they take the responsibility of looking out for him. On numerous occasions their brother has become upset and begins to act out. These actions quite often cause other students on the bus to become agitated and upset by his actions, but Sonja and Christen speak to him and use the techniques they have learned to calm him, something they have been doing since he was born. School Resource Officer Robert Atkisson states, “It’s amazing to watch these two young girls with this enormous responsibility stay calm and patent while showing their love for their brother. It’s sometimes a circumstance that would be hard for an adult to handle, yet they continue to take control and calm the situation.”