
Cape man allegedly robbed of prescription drugs

2 min read

A 74-year-old Cape Coral man told police he was robbed of over $3,000 worth of prescription drugs outside a local pharmacy Wednesday afternoon.
He told officers that when he was leaving the Center Pharmacy at 826 Del Prado Boulevard, S., an unknown white male in a gray hooded sweatshirt and long pants grabbed a bag of prescriptions from his hand and fled on foot. The incident allegedly happened at approximately 4 p.m.
The victim could not be reached for comment by telephone Thursday.
The suspect didn’t touch or hurt the victim when snatching the bag of medications, the victim said.
The bag contained 4,980 pills at a value of $3,151.90, according to reports. The pills were a combination of Oxycotin; Lyrica, a seizure medication; and Xopnex, for asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
A witness told police the suspect, between 5-feet-10 and 6 feet tall, snatched the drugs from the victim and ran to the north.
Though a Circle K clerk on Country Club Boulevard told police a man matching the suspect’s description was spotted in the gas station’s parking lot, neither the Circle K nor the Center Pharmacy has surveillance video, police reported.
A Cape Coral detective made contact with a male matching the description of the alleged robbery suspect at Southeast 12th Avenue and Southeast 9th Street, but the witness could not positively identify him, police said.
The case remains under investigation, according to the police report.
Anyone with information about the alleged robbery can contact Cape Coral Police at 574-3223 or Southwest Florida Crime Stoppers at 800-780-TIPS (8477).