
Mid-Cape Racquet & Health Club to manage Cape courts

2 min read

Tennis lessons will be served up at local parks in Cape Coral as the result of an agreement between the city and Mid-Cape Racquet & Health Club. The move is part of the 5-year-old company’s 2009 expansion plans.
Under an agreement signed with the city in 2008, Mid-Cape will begin managing the Cape Coral Yacht Club tennis courts on Monday, as well as bring new programs to Burton Memorial Park, Camelot Park, Jim Jeffers Park and Joe Stonis Park.
“It’s a move towards expanding the services to offer lessons at our neighborhood parks,” said Steve Pohlman, director of the city’s Parks and Recreation Department.
Tennis Management Group, the current operator of the city’s tennis courts, has been managing the courts for 2 1/2 years. Mid-Cape’s contract is for three years with the option that either party can dissolve the agreement.
There are currently 260 members of the tennis courts at the Cape Coral Yacht Club, which houses five lighted courts. The courts also are available to the public for an hourly fee of $4 for residents and $5 for non-residents.
Mid-Cape representative Suzanne Lynch said the company is looking to expand the tennis programs in the city but will not overhaul the overall management approach.
“We’re trying to offer a more robust tennis program … but we’re not looking at making any wholesale changes,” Lynch said.
Out of four companies that bid for the contract, Mid-Cape came in as the lowest, Pohlman said, and had the added benefit of being located in the Cape.
“We felt the Mid-Cape Racquet & Health Club was the best and most economical bid. We are also pleased it was a local company,” Pohlman said.
In addition to the courts, Mid-Cape will take over administration of the yacht club’s pro shop, which offers tennis shoes, equipment and racquet stringing services.
A resurfacing of the yacht club courts is planned for April, after the ongoing tennis leagues have finished. The resurfacing project is slated to cost $19,500.
For more information, call the Mid-Cape Racquet & Health Club at 573-3210.