Do The Right Thing monthly winners announced
The Cape Coral Police Department hosted its Do The Right Thing Student Recognition Awards ceremony for the month of April on Wednesday at City Hall. The following students were recognized for their positive attitudes towards school and family, their healthy decisions regarding drugs and violence, as well as good citizenship.
Overall winner
— Chrissy Frahm, 12th grade, Ida S. Baker High, daughter of Chad and Cathy Frahm
Chrissy is a remarkable young lady. Just days before her 16th birthday, she was diagnosed with a cancerous glioblastoma brain tumor. At the time, she was given 6-18 months to live. Chrissy never gave in to the tumor. Instead she carried herself with grace, humor and a concern for others. Throughout her journey of doctors appointments, chemotherapy and radiation, Chrissy focused her concerns toward others. Every Sunday during the joys and concerns section of Chrissy’s church service, she would ask for prayers for other children she met who were suffering from cancer. Knowing what it is like to lose your hair and how it feels to need a Band-Aid after having blood drawn, Chrissy started a Crazy Hat and Band-Aid Drive and continues to deliver hats and Band-Aids on a regular basis. During the past summer, Chrissy worked with the Pine Island Community Church Summer Missions Team doing local mission work. A perfect example of her concern for others came when the Make-A-Wish Foundation met with her to find out what she would like. She was concerned that there were kids who were more deserving of a wish than she was. Chrissy did her best to attend school during this ordeal, but often had to stay home if she was sick. Rather than watching TV during these times, she convinced her parents to get her a dog which she could train as a visiting dog at hospitals. Gabriel the dog has just completed his visiting dog training as well as his national therapy dog certification. At school, despite the obstacles, Chrissy is in the SADD club, on the yearbook staff and has recently been inducted into the National Honor Society. She is brave and giving and is truly an example of a Do The Right Thing winner.
— Cory Hinkle, 12th grade, Ida S. Baker High, son of Ronald and Renee Hinkle
Cory is in the JROTC program and is a company commander. He takes great efforts to insure that the students under his command are representing the JROTC appropriately and truly cares about their success. A few weeks ago, Cory saw two students from his JROTC company who were having a conflict at lunch. Cory stepped in and separated the students then escorted the student who was the most upset and agitated to the guidance office. The entire time, he talked to him calmly about making good choices. He continued to counsel the student in the guidance office even telling him that his former JROTC instructor had helped him to make better choices when he was a freshman, and now he wanted to help this student in the same way. When the student calmed down, Cory suggested he, the two students and the counselor meet the following day for arbitration. Cory’s leadership and communication skills earn him his Do The Right Thing nomination.
— Dalas Fuller, fourth grade, Gulf Elementary, daughter of Kelee Litzler and Craig Whipple
Dalas is a student in the social communications classroom for autistic children. During the past two years, she has learned to make friends, problem solve and help others whenever she can. A few weeks ago, Dalas was able to demonstrate all of those things as she acted quickly in a medical emergency. While Dalas was playing outside during PE, she noticed that her friend from another classroom had fallen to the ground with the beginning stages of a seizure. Dalas headed immediately to her friend and told her, “Do not worry. I’ll get help. Please stay calm, I’ll be right back.” She then walked quickly to her coach yelling, “Come quickly, someone is hurt.” After getting her coach’s attention, she led him to her friend and waited for further instruction. Dalas stayed calm in a medical emergency practicing what she had learned to help someone in need.
— Jesse Woody, eighth grade, Challenger Middle, son of John and Heather Woody
Jesse was sitting by the family pool one day in March with his parents and his 6-year-old sister who has Down syndrome, when his sister fell in the water. Jesse immediately leapt to his feet and jumped into the pool to rescue his little sister. He did not think twice about the fact that he was fully clothed with cell phone and MP3 player in his pocket. His phone and MP3 player were ruined, but his response was, “That was my little sister and I love her. I don’t care what happened to my stuff. She comes first.” Jesse’s courage and selflessness, as well as his willingness to sacrifice any of his material possessions to save his sister, are outstanding examples of doing the right thing.
— Dylan Undeen, second grade, Cape Elementary, son of David and Michelle Undeen
Recently Dylan’s dad came home from work and discussed the idea of their family saving all of their plastic caps for a family in need. He went on to say that the co-worker was collecting and selling them to defray chemo costs for his child. A few days later, Dylan came home from school and asked his mom if she would help him to make a poster so his schoolmates did not accidentally throw trash in the recycling container and very nonchalantly mentioned that they started it in his school as a way to do something with the bottles that were left after the caps had been turned in. Without even mentioning it to his mom, he had asked his teacher if they could help with the little girl needing chemo and initiated the project at Cape Elementary School. Now, in an unrelated project, his class is having a food drive. He asked his teacher if he could bring in Ramen noodles and when his mom came home from work, Dylan asked if she would take him to Wal-mart and if he could spend $10 which he had been saving from his birthday and Christmas. He said he remembered seeing a 12-pack of Ramen noodles for $1.91 and he could buy 5 packs with his $10 feeding 60 people. Dylan never boasts about what he does for others, just wants to help wherever he can.
— Arianna Sibley, eighth grade, Challenger Middle, daughter of Harry and Kimberly Sibley
Arianna has displayed her efforts throughout her school and her community. She works in the school store and helps various teachers to keep their rooms organized. She helps her classmates when they are having difficulties and pays special attention to a classmate who is autistic and becomes “over-stimulated.” When she, herself, is having difficulty with a subject, she stays after class until she improves her achievement. Arianna knows that there is a student in the school with a physical disability which requires her to use crutches. Arianna realized that for Halloween, this young lady would not be able to take part in the customary walk throughout her neighborhood so Arianna lined up minivan transportation for her so she would not be left out of the fun. Arianna is a compassionate, caring and helpful young lady.