
Florida’s Blood Centers puts out donor request

1 min read

With summer approaching, Florida’s Blood Centers has issued a donor appeal.
While families go on vacation, snowbirds head up north and high school, college and university students take the summer off, donations drop significantly, officials said. That’s why Florida’s Blood Centers, is appealing to the public for donors as soon as possible.
Blood donations help save the lives of trauma patients, premature babies, cancer patients and people needing surgery. Most donations will impact those patients within a few days.
Blood drive organizers encourage donors to call 1-888-9DONATE for center locations to make a donation. If you have eligibility questions, visit

Current facts

– Donations to Florida’s Blood Centers stay in the community.
– Every donation is separated into components in this region and will be transfused into a patient usually within two to three days.
– Just one donation can save multiple lives, because it’s separated into components — red blood cells, plasma and platelets, clotting factors and a host of pharmaceuticals.
– Every three seconds someone is in need of a blood transfusion.

Source: Florida Blood Centers