
Suspicious death reported in south Cape apartment

2 min read

A person was found dead early Thursday morning in a south Cape Coral
apartment complex, and police are calling the death suspicious.
The police tape surrounding the north building of Amherst Manor
Apartments did not surprise neighbors, who live in what has been called a
blighted section of the city. Police say they have been concentrating
crime prevention efforts in the area for over a year.
Forensics technicians shuffled in and out of the upstairs apartment
where the body was found at 4808 Atlantic Court, Unit
33, throughout the morning and early afternoon.
“There’s always arguing over there at night,” said Linda Hines, who has
lived across the street from the complex for three years.
Hines said she did not know the people who lived in Unit 33, but that
there were many late-night arguments on the stairs of the complex.
“It’s not surprising,” she said of the death, after witnessing the Cape
Coral SWAT Team respond to the complex in 2008.
Police have not yet identified the deceased person nor released other details
surrounding the death.
Officer Gerry Moll said the Cape Coral Police Department has been
working closely with the community to make the area more livable,
something they call the “Weed and Seed” program. Moll said the
department has applied for a federal grant for the program.
“There’s a lot of proactive community policing,” he said. “The area
needed care, and it still needs care.”
Moll called the suspicious death “very disappointing and discouraging.”