
District schedules three Financial Aid Nights

2 min read

Three Financial Aid Nights will be held at three different high schools in the Lee County School District to share information with parents about various financial assistance that is available for their children to attend post secondary schools.
Student Services Coordinator Jean Campbell said Financial Aid Nights is an information gathering session that is geared towards parents to help them through the application process of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
The Financial Aid Nights will be held from 7-9 p.m. in the auditorium of Cape Coral High School on Jan. 25; Lehigh Senior High School on Jan. 27 and at South Fort Myers High School on Feb. 2.
“Parents can attend anyone of those,” Campbell said. “They can pick which ever one is best for them.”
She explained that a financial aid representative from Edison State College will be available at the three locations for parents. The representative will share information about financial aid, how to apply, deadlines, instructions on how to complete FAFSA, Bright Futures and state aid verses federal aid.
The representative will explain to parents how financial aid works, Campbell said, along with merit based scholarships and need based aid.
They will walk parents through “filling out the application to make it easier for the parents,” she said.
She explained that the Lee County School District has been holding the Financial Aid Nights since the late 1980s. Approximately 75 to 100 parents participate in the Financial Aid Nights every year.
“The parents are very appreciative of it,” she said.
Campbell encourages parents who have a son or daughter going on for post secondary training to attend the Financial Aid Nights to make sure they have all of their bases covered.