
Mother and daughter donate knotted quilts to Ronald McDonald House

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MICHAEL PISTELLA Tina Amodeo is surrounded by the quilts she and her mother made to be donated to the Ronald McDonald House.

A mother and daughter who worked together on 12 knotted quilts during the holidays decided to donate them to the Ronald McDonald House Wednesday after working on them for two weeks.
Anita Amodeo said she had a ton of fleece laying around the house, so she and her daughter Tina decided to pick out different colors to make quilts.
“My mom had some extra fabric around the house and she said ‘Why don’t we use the fabric and donate them’ and I said fine,” Tina said.
She explained that her mother cut and measured the fabric, so she could knot the fleece and fringe together to complete the quilt.
“It is very fun to help other people,” Tina said about donating the quilts to the Ronald McDonald House. “I enjoy helping other people because I think other people should have nice gifts.”
Several years ago the two also donated quilts to Smiles for Children.
Tina has lived in a group home in New York due to her epilepsy for 20 years.
Although she began having seizures when she was 7 months old, now at the age of 42 she has not had a seizure in the past 3 1/2 years.
Anita said due to the seizures, her daughter has mild retardation, but she is a very high functioning adult who loves to do crafts when she comes down to visit.
Tina makes it home to the Cape two to three times a year to visit her parents.