
Chulakes-Leetz’s walking town hall meeting Sunday

2 min read

Cape Coral Councilmember Chris Chulakes-Leetz will have his first “walking town hall meeting” with the public Sunday.
The council member will traverse the roadways of his district, meeting and talking with citizens, cleaning the streets as he goes. He’s dubbed the event “Clean Conversations with Councilmember Chris Chulakes-Leetz.”
Chulakes-Leetz said no one is expected to cross streets or walk in the medians or even clean; he simply wants people to come out and communicate their thoughts and ideas to him.
The two walking town halls — Feb. 6 and Feb. 20 — also are an effort to show respect for Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford by making himself available in a public setting.
Also, if residents don’t feel like walking along, they are welcome to meet Chulakes-Leetz at the edge of their property to chat while he passes by. He said he’s not looking for people to clean their entire streets, merely “look left and look right” to pick up whatever trash they can in the immediate vicinity. People can leave the trash in plastic bags on his route and he will pick it up if they want him to.
“It’s mainly an effort to clean up and make myself available,” he said. “This is a way to say, I’m available, I can listen, converse.”
The two walking Town Hall meetings are Sunday, Feb. 6, and Sunday, Feb. 20, from 1 to 4 p.m., barring any seriously inclement weather
On Feb. 6, Chulakes-Leetz will begin walking on Wildwood Parkway from Country Club Boulevard, going west to Palm Tree Boulevard, and south on Palm Tree Boulevard to Cape Coral Parkway.
On Feb. 20, Chulakes-Leetz will begin walking on Skyline Boulevard from Gleason Parkway, going south to Cape Coral Parkway.
Citizens can come out and join him, and share suggestions and ideas verbally or in writing, participate in cleaning up the roadways near their homes. He’s also available via city cell phone at 707-1597 for any questions.