
Mobile Mammo unit to make two stops in Cape

4 min read

The Mobile Mammo from the Radiology Regional Center will make two stops in Cape Coral during February and March to provide women with the opportunity to get their annual exam done in one convenient stop during their lunch break.
Dr. Mary Kay Peterson, director of the women’s imaging at Radiology Regional Center, said the mobile mammogram provides the same type of quality as the digital mammogram that is located at all of their Radiology Regional Center offices. She explained that the same local board of radiologists who read the mammogram in the office also read the mobile exams that are done.
“The difference is that it makes it more convenient for the business women,” she said about those who do not want to take time off of work. “She can take a break, go out and get her mammogram done and go back to work.”
Since the program began in the fall of 2010, Peterson said the Radiology Regional Center has received “absolutely excellent” feedback from their patients because it is “convenient … right there at their fingertips.”
Peterson said about 25 percent of the age appropriate women are getting their annual mammogram done each year, according to the last census that was released, which means “we are not reaching a lot of patients.”
Peterson said women should start having a yearly mammogram done every year after they turn 40 years old, unless they have a first degree relative with a premenopausal diagnosis of breast cancer. She explained that if that is the case, the patient should get their baseline mammogram done 10 years prior to the age of the diagnosis of their relative.
“If it is not premenopausal, then you get one at the age of 40,” she said.
Women should also give themselves monthly self-exams the week after they start their menstruation cycle, Peterson explained in addition to their routine physician exams.
The convenience of the mobile mammo provides women with the opportunity to have their annual exam done in 15 minutes.
The Mobile Mammo will travel to Gulf Coast Village on Feb. 23 and to the Moose Lodge on March 16. Both facilities are located on Santa Barbara Boulevard.
Although patients can sign up for an appointment when they know the mobile mammo is coming to their community to insure a dedicated time slot, walk-ins are also welcome. Peterson said depending on how many patients they have that day, they may have to wait to be seen.
To make an appointment call (239) 936-2316.
Peterson said when women come for their mobile mammogram they will walk into the coach as they are greeted by staff. Insurance cards and a form of identification will then be taken from the patient before the mammogram is done.
She explained that the patient will then be checked in and brought back to a separate room where a digital mammogram unit is located. A small dressing room is located inside of the room, which allows the patient with the opportunity to change into their cape, so her image can be obtained.
“The techs will check for quality and then the patient will be allowed to go,” she said.
Peterson said the patient and physician will be notified of results within a couple of days. She said the process is much faster when the patient has her images from previous years available when they visit the Mobile Mammo.
“If we can assist women with their breast health care, the survival rate will remain high,” she said.
Patients are starting to realize that the annual screening mammogram is so important, she explained because “screening mammogram save lives.”
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