
Free summer voluntary pre-K program to be offered

2 min read

The Cape Child Development Center is offering a free voluntary prekindergarten education program this summer for children who have not completed a VPK program and are turning 5 years old before Sept. 1.
Cape Child Development Center Director Janet Baxter said since they have had “quite a group” of 20 to 30 children participate in the program during the school year, they decided to offer it as a summer program for the first time.
The maximum amount to be accepted for the summer program is 10 children. Baxter said they will accept children until June 13 as long as the program is not full.
The VPK program, which will be held from June 13 until Aug. 2, will focus on creative curriculum, free play and outside time. Baxter said they will have a regular structure that includes a different scheduled lesson plan every day.
The program will be offered from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The free program will include breakfast, lunch and a snack.
A parent meeting will be held for those who are interested in registering their 4 year old to participate in the program on April 19 from 5 p.m.-6 p.m. at the Cape Child Development Center.
Baxter said parents should bring their child’s birth certificate and proof of residency to the meeting.
“They can sign up the child here, so they don’t have to go to Fort Myers and wait,” she said.
Baxter said they have 18 employees at the Cape Child Development Center who work with the children.
The Cape Child Development Center is located behind the Cape Coral Hospital on the southeast corner. For information call (239) 772-4311.
The center also offers after school care for 0-12 year old children. Baxter said although it is primarily offered for hospital employees they do take children from public also. She said most of the children attend the program during the summer, which attracts around 12 kids a day.
The Lee Memorial Health System has three Child Development Centers in Lee County.