Harney Point Kiwanis to hold bowl-a-thon fund-raiser
The Harney Point Kiwanis Club will host its first bowl-a-thon this weekend to raise funds for its scholarship fund.
The club recently began holding fund raisers because the members wanted to offer some type of aid to high school seniors who are members of the Key Club. The Kiwanians hope to provide money to help the students with their books and supplies once they enter college.
Cape Coral Municipal Charter School Foundation Executive Director and Harney Point Kiwanis Club member Kevin Colpoys said the scholarships will be provided for Oasis High School, Ida Baker High and Mariner High School students because each of the schools has a Key Club that the Kiwanis help sponsor.
The event will be held at Bowland, 42 Mid Cape Terrace, Sunday, March 20, from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., for third to 12th grade students. The fee for bowling two games, shoe rental and access to a pizza and soda buffet is $20.
Those who wish to sign up for the event can call Colpoys at 239-218-6157.
Colpoys explained that the club wanted to offer a bowl-a-thon because it is rare for that type of event to be offered these days. He said it is a different concept and new to a lot of young people.
“It used to be popular years ago,” he said, adding that things have changed.
Colpoys said the club only had about 25 students signed up for the bowl-a-thon as of Thursday. He attributed the small pre-registration count for the event to it being offered for the first time. The club plans on holding the event at least one more time this year.
Prizes will be provided for the highest score, along with the highest team score.
The Harney Point Kiwanis Club held a pancake breakfast last weekend, which raised a little over $600 for the scholarship fund. Colpoys said they served 150 breakfasts.
“That was super,” he said about the turnout. “We did really well with that.”
Harney Point Kiwanis to hold bowl-a-thon fund-raiser
The Harney Point Kiwanis Club will host its first bowl-a-thon this weekend to raise funds for its scholarship fund.
The club recently began holding fund-raisers because the members wanted to offer some type of aid to high school seniors who are members of the Key Club. The Kiwanians hope to provide money to help the students with their books and supplies once they enter college.
Cape Coral Municipal Charter School Foundation Executive Director and Harney Point Kiwanis Club member Kevin Colpoys said the scholarships will be provided for Oasis High School, Ida Baker High and Mariner High School students because each of the schools has a Key Club that the Kiwanis help sponsor.
The event will be held at Bowland, 42 Mid Cape Terrace, Sunday, March 20, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m., for 3rd to 12th grade students. The fee for bowling two games, shoe rental and access to a pizza and soda buffet is $20. Those who wish to sign up for the event can call Colpoys at 239-218-6157.
Colpoys explained that the club wanted to offer a bowl-a-thon because it is rare for that type of event to be offered these days. He said it is a different concept and new to a lot of young people.
“It used to be popular years ago,” he said, adding that “things have changed.”
Colpoys said the club only had about 25 kids signed up for the bowl-a-thon as of Thursday. He attributed the small pre-registration count for the event to it being offered for the first time. The club plans on holding the event at least one more time this year.
Prizes will be provided for the highest score, along with the highest team score.
The Harney Point Kiwanis Club held a pancake breakfast last weekend, which raised a little over $600 for the scholarship fund. Colpoys said they served 150 breakfasts.
“That was super,” he said about the turnout. “We did really well with that.”