
United Way campaign extended two weeks

2 min read

Helping Alzheimer’s caregivers find support … assisting the unemployed to find a job … helping an uninsured woman suspected of having breast cancer get a mammogram: these are a few of the things that the United Way and its 72 partner agencies do for so many of our neighbors, friends and families right here in our community.
The United Way of Lee, Hendry and Glades was scheduled to wrap up the 2010-2011 Campaign on Feb. 28. In order to fully fund the agencies’ current programs that help over 300,000 Lee, Hendry and Glades residents each year, the United Way must raise $300,000 to hit the $8 million goal.
“The board of directors felt it was in the best interest of our community and our partner agencies to extend the Campaign by two weeks,” said Joe Catti, United Way Board chair and president of FineMark National Bank and Trust.
For the last 17 years, the United Way has met or exceeded its annual campaign goal. This year the goal is $8,024,330.
“United Way firmly believes that because of the incredible track record this community has for caring and giving that everyone will step-up to help us meet the goal,” said Pat O’Donnell, United Way Campaign chair and owner of O’Donnell Landscapes.
To ensure that the United Way’s 72 partner agencies, 160 programs and 13 United Way Houses can continue to operate in the community, the United Way needs the public’s help. Make a donation by calling 239-433-2000 or by visiting the United Way of Lee, Hendry and Glades website at