
Westbound lanes of Midpoint Bridge to be closed Friday morning

1 min read

On Thursday, March 31, starting at midnight, the westbound lanes of the Midpoint Bridge will be closed overnight to traffic until 6 a.m., Friday, April 1. Crews will be installing overhead signs in the vicinity of the toll plaza.
Westbound traffic will be detoured off of Colonial Boulevard at the westbound McGregor off ramp. Law enforcement will be present. Drivers may use the Cape Coral Bridge for westbound access to Cape Coral. Message boards will notify drivers of the detour.
When the bridge reopens on Friday, April 1, the traffic pattern at the entrance to the toll plaza will change. LeeWay and Sunpass customers will be directed to the left lanes and cash toll customers are directed to the right lanes. This traffic pattern will remain in effect until the April 11.
For updates on all lanes closures, traffic shifts and construction progress, please visit the project Web site at
Motorists are advised to use caution driving through the toll plaza, and to follow work zone signage and message boards.
This schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather and unforeseen underground conditions, etc.