
Chamber to offer ‘First Hour Free’ program

2 min read

The Chamber of Commerce of Cape Coral continues to tweak how it relates to and helps its members, in particular by learning from recent focus groups in an effort to give its members what they need and want.
“I think the focus groups provided several ‘ah-ha’ moments for us,” said Chamber President Mike Quaintance.
The most recent offering is the “First Hour Free” program, which gives members the chance to team up with other members who are offering free advice.
Whether its advertising, or legal assistance or business optimization, chamber members looking to gain some professional advice or advantage will be able to do so free of charge.
“We have numerous experts in various fields to help those people in need,” Quaintance added.
Forthcoming programs that members will look forward to include member-to-member discount programs, educational programs focusing on human resources and networking, as well as seminars that teach members how to best utilize the chamber.
“We’re going to be focusing on some core business needs, that’s what it boiled down to,” Quaintance said. “Our board of directors wanted to establish itself as the leadership chamber.”
But the focus groups have proved invaluable to the chamber and its board of directors, giving them the opportunity to explore new ideas for its members moving forward.
The “First Free Hour” is one of the first of these new incentives, and members can learn more about the program by accessing the list of volunteer consultants by going to, and using the drop down “Membership” menu and selecting “Chamber Programs.”
Or for more information, contact the Cape Coral Chamber of Commerce directly at 549-6900.