
Fashion show to benefit Special Pops set for June 11

3 min read

Tickets are now being sold for the Guardian Angels for Special Population’s third annual fashion show and luncheon at Belk on June 11.
Vince Marcucci, Guardian Angel fashion show chair, said since the Guardian Angels for Special Population is the funding arm for the program, they hold the annual fashion show to raise money to support Special Pops. He said it is vital now with all the city budget cuts.
A donation of $20 is being requested to attend the event, which includes a lunch from Jason’s Deli. To have a correct count for lunches it is recommended that those interested in attending purchase their tickets before the show by calling 239-574-0574.
After the lunches are paid for, Marcucci said the rest of the proceeds will go to the Guardian Angels for Special Populations.
This year the annual fashion show will be held at Belk, 2342 Surfside Blvd. with a real runway with chairs located on both sides. One of the departments in the store will be cleared for the fashion show.
Approximately 27 boys and girls will take the runway at Belk as models on June 11 from 11:30 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Corliss Kacemba, Belk store manager said she lets the models pick what they want to wear.
“I want them to feel really good about what they are wearing,” she said. “They usually pick really good things.”
A silent auction and Chinese auction also will be held at the fashion show.
Marcucci said they hope to make some money for Special Populations through the two auctions and ticket sales.
The money raised during the fashion will come in handy this year, Marcucci said, because Special Populations has already overspent its budget for cleaning supplies.
He said the money will refill their bank account, so they can continue to fund the basic necessities for the program.
Any additional money will go towards repairs the building may need, along with wish list items like a gas grill and a freezer.
Marcucci said the community is always very supportive as they come forward and step up to the plate to make it a successful event.
“It is a great charity and we know them personally,” Kacemba said about why she has helped them put on the fashion show since it started.
Hot dogs also will be sold outside of the store on June 11 to raise additional funds for the Guardian Angels.
Marcucci said he began working with Special Population in October and is pleased that people are being served that are definitely in need.
He said for 32 years, Special Populations has been the place where adults and children go with developmental disabilities to learn recreation-type skills.
“It is one of the gems for the Parks and Recreation Department,” he said about the program.
Marcucci said the people who attend the program are given love and affection, along with having their needs met.
“The things that they are interested in, we talk about and plan for,” he said.